
Facebook is testing to hide like counts on the post

Paawan Sunam
New Update
Facebook hide likes

Facebook might soon hide like/reaction counts for posts in a new experiment, following suit after Instagram.

In the new tests, the like/reaction counts are unseeable, although you can see the number of comments and shares a post has got.

The tests are currently live on Android.

According to Jane Manchun Wong, Reverse Engineer, the creator of the post will be able to see the reaction count but not anyone else. The list of the people who reacted and their reactions would be available.

During Instagram's tests, the platform had mentioned, "We want your followers to focus on what you share, not how many likes your posts get".

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Adam Mosseri, Head Of Instagram at Facebook’s annual developer conference, #F8 had mentioned, “We want people to worry a little bit less about how many likes they’re getting on Instagram and spend a bit more time connecting with the people that they care about”.

Facebook's tests seem to be aligned with these interests. Considering, the change within Instagram has steadily been rolled out at a sizeable scale. We can expect the same with Facebook.

This is a wholesome change for the users on the platform. 'Like Counts' are often the reason for deteriorating self-worth and have been linked to depression and social anxiety.

As for influencers and brands on the platform, who measure their success with these engagement metrics, would have to have to focus on content that derives 'call to action' and drives interactions rather than just getting likes that doesn't really benefit the brand, as the comments and shares on a post are still visible.

If the tests go permanent, it would also mean the doom of third-party services that sell fake engagement.

hide like facebook reaction counts Head Of Instagram facebook hides reaction counts facebook hides likes facebook hides like counts facebook hide like counts Adam Mosseri engagement metrics developer conference Reverse Engineer like counts Metrics counts third-party Services Hide Engagement Android Conference facebook testing influencers Head Instagram instagram tests developer Facebook Social Media news Facebook News testing facebook hides reactions comments live Brands platform post Creator Fake engagement F8 Jane Manchun Wong third-party services shares reaction counts hide like counts fake