
#SamosaTalks: Magicbrick's Prasun Kumar unravels digital marketing

Prasun Kumar tells us how real estate brands can engage with consumers for 6-8 months before they make a decision.

Jagruti Verma
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#SamosaTalks: Magicbrick's Prasun Kumar unravels digital marketing

Prasun Kumar tells us how real estate brands have consumers with them for 6-8 months before they make a decision and this is where brands can engage with them on a daily basis on social media.

The social media generation believes in 3 Cs: Connectivity, Content, and Conversations, Prasun Kumar, CMO, Magicbricks tells us. As a brand, Magicbricks aims to be connected with their audiences with good content and meaningful conversations.

The brand's social media presence is centred around helping their consumers in two ways: resolving their queries and helping them make better decisions in regards to real estate and property purchase.

Along with consumer engagement, social media has been an effective channel for Magicbricks in acquiring new users.

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Essentially, Magicbrick's social media strategy is two-fold, with getting new users onboard and deeper engagement with existing users, says Prasun Kumar. He further tells us about the challenges that brands face on social media. The primary one is how people are impatient in regards to how they interact with content online. He tells us about the decreasing attention spans.

Next, he tells us about the trust issues that pertain to real estate brands in the digital space. The content has to break the wall and be hardworking enough to help bridge the trust gap between consumers and brands.

Prasun further explains two key changes that he has witnessed and experienced in digital marketing: Brands create campaigns that are digital-first and are eventually extended to other mediums and campaigns that are created only for digital audiences. He calls the latter as a big achievement of the digital media.

Touching upon topics of storytelling and causes as well as the effective use of vernacular and snackable content, especially with respect to real estate brands, Prasun unravels digital marketing.

See the full interview here:

magicbricks social media presence magicbricks social media Magicbricks samosa talks Prasun Kumar MagicBricks interview Prasun Kumar magicbricks Prasun Kumar #SamosaTalks prasun kumar cmo Content