
ROI of a campaign is not just measuring awareness or traffic or sales: Abonty Banerjee, Tata Capital

Saloni Surti
Updated On
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Abonty Banerjee

Abonty Banerjee, Chief Digital and Marketing Officer, Tata Capital decodes social media marketing for BFSI brands.

Post Diwali has seen a number of BFSI brands come out with a product and service-oriented campaigns. Creating conversations around their “simpler customer journeys” Tata Capital launched #CountOnUs. With the campaign live in full swing, Social Samosa gets in conversation with Abonty Banerjee, Chief Digital and Marketing Officer, Tata Capital.

Banerjee speaks about the campaign and its role in the overall marketing strategy of the brand. Decoding social media marketing for BFSI brands, Abonty Banerjee shares some simple takeaways.  

What was the objective behind the

brand's recent campaign #CountOnUs?

With the current campaign, we want to extend this legacy and reinforce Tata Capital as a brand that one can count on. In 2018 – 19, we intensified our efforts in building a customer-first culture across Tata Capital; we have built simpler customer journeys, investing in technology to deliver faster and better with innovative digital service offerings. Combine this, with the trust, Tata Capital intrinsically stands for, the theme is a perfect fit. We want the customer to ‘Count on Us’

o    Creative

Agency: Cartwheel

o    Production

House: Ubik

In how many phases was the campaign

executed? Please take us through your distribution strategy to make sure that

the campaign reached the right TG?

As a financial services brand with an array of diverse retail offerings, we have a wide audience. However, the campaign targets digitally savvy, 25 to 45 years of age (NCCS A / B+). On the media front, we have taken a two-pronged approach.

It will be a very sharp and affinity-based TV plan only on News Channels with a dash of impact sports and Hindi cinema. Additionally, a high decibel Social Media plan on YouTube and Facebook Network.

Social has performed very well for us in the past year, and we expect digital and TV to drive higher brand recall together - Abonty Banerjee

BFSI as an industry faces the

drawback of not being too conversational; not everyone wants to speak to their

banker or insurance provider daily. What kind of content hooks or topics have

helped you engage with your consumers through new age mediums? 

Firstly, one cannot and should not compare industries. The products and services of BFSI are different from many others. It is a serious business and therefore, pushing the envelope on doing outlandish communication should not be a focal point. But the conversation can be more slice of life and entertaining for easy consumption. We have attempted to be in such a simple and funny space for some time now.

On Women’s day, we launched #breakstereotypes campaign on social media with a humorous video encouraging women to go beyond preset gender roles. On Independence Day, we launched #BreakFree, a series of 3 light-hearted videos that spoke about real-life situations millennials find themselves.

Also Read: Digitally influenced sales equal to 3 additional retail stores yearly: Gaurav Midha, Tanishq

A number of BFSI brands have resorted to creating original content such as web-series and short films as a means to drive home a message. What is your opinion on this trend? Has Tata Capital created original content in the past?

Creating original content is the key to drive engagement on respective channels for a brand. This helps in creating an individual identity & building a personality to connect with our TG social media. We have created multiple short films and a series of short videos on various occasions to engage with our existing audience and attract potential customers.

We executed a Wedding Loan campaign, #WedEqual, led by a video starring Mallika Dua, Anubhav Pal. In India, weddings are traditionally lavish affairs with a larger amount of the costs borne by the bride side. In keeping with the progressive nature of the brand, Tata Capital aimed to inculcate a sense of equality in the share of expenses. To help with wedding expenses, on either side, the campaign promoted Tata Capital’s ‘Wedding Loans’ offering for young Indians. It garnered 4Mn+ views on social media and helped in bagging IndIAA Award for the campaign.

How do you measure the success and

RoI on your campaigns? Please take us through your measurement metrics 

Success & ROI of a campaign is not just measuring awareness or traffic or sales, it is measuring whether the campaign is effectively generating business in a profitable way - Abonty Banerjee


1st step in understanding marketing ROI is to measure marketing cost or the

variable costs incurred to execute the campaign. This includes

1.      Production


2.      Media


3.      Pay

per click spends

4.      Display

ad spends

5.      Agency


Calculating the ROI


is calculated using two primary metrics: the cost to do something, and the

outcomes or revenue generated as a result. The easiest way to measure marketing

ROI is (Attributable Sales Growth - Marketing Cost) / Marketing Cost =

ROI. Figuring out what portion of sales growth is attributable to a

marketing campaign can be difficult, especially for a non-digital campaign but

there are ways to measure that too.


way of measuring the marketing ROI is Revenue to Cost Ratio, which in simple

terms is how much money is generated for every marketing dollar spent. A good

marketing ROI is 5:1, which is the middle of the bell curve.

Calculating the Lifetime Value


value refers to the value a customer brings a business over their

entire life as a customer, not just through their first transaction with

you. Many businesses only think in terms of first transaction

value and call it a day. But the customer life can be far more

fruitful than that, so to accurately calculate return on investment, we

need to understand the full return from past behaviours. This is achieved by a

concept called “Single View of Customer” which helps attribute all products

taken by the customer over a period of time. This helps measure the right

return on any marketing campaign cost. This improves the campaign’s impact

dramatically over time.

Top 3 digital marketing trends seen

in the BFSI space 

Omnichannel Marketing


is a term that gets thrown around a lot. The best way to understand omnichannel

is to compare it to the term “multichannel.”

In a multichannel marketing strategy, you set up various marketing touchpoints that reinforce each other to ease a customer through their buying journey. For example, you may use social media as a channel to attract visitors to your website and email as a channel to nurture leads.


is however much universal. Simply put an omnichannel marketing

strategy means you create marketing touchpoints that work together on

every available channel. At the very least, you create consistent touchpoints

on all the channels your customers use.

Artificial Intelligence

This is considered the “cutting edge” of technology for now. AI is a software or robot that can gather facts about a situation through sensors or through human inputs and then use this information to solve problems or perform tasks. This has the potential to delink human intelligence from problem-solving thus democratising intelligence and making it available for all. This has the potential of long term implication on human behaviour but for now, it is mostly seen in deploying content marketing, customer service, and advertising.

Video Marketing

Video marketing has been a forte of big brands with big budgets for years but what is changing with the advent of easier tools and technologies is video production is becoming affordable without compromising on quality. Parallelly video is seen as the most preferred mode of content consumption across the world.

Like in the USA, it is estimated that by 2020, video will make up for more than 85% of consumer internet traffic. A recent eMarketer forecast says India is likely to overtake the US in terms of time spent on digital videos in 2020. Indians spending time on digital videos daily have increased from 80 mins in 2017 to 126 mins in 2019 and slated to cross 141 mins by 2020. This is mainly contributed by YouTube (265 m), Tiktok (200 m) and other OTT platforms like Hotstar, Amazon Prime, Netflix and more.

tata capital bfsi marketing trends bfsi digital marketing Abonty Banerjee linkedin Abonty Banerjee BFSI marketing