
Be consistent when on social media: Jemmylizo Nadar, TheHeroinee

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Jemmylizo Nadar

A social media executive by profession and a Lifestyle/fashion blogger by passion, Jemmylizo Nadar takes us through her journey of becoming 'The Heroinee'.

Aiming to inspire people through her blog, Jemmylizo Nadar shares tips on Fashion and Lifestyle blogging, her passion for 'Theheroinee', and more.


back, where did it all begin?

It all began in 2015, after getting influenced by my favorite fashion blogger named ‘Santoshi Shetty’

I loved dressing up and everyone would take suggestions from me on what to wear and where to shop that one day I realized if these influencers can do it, even I can too. I started everything from scratch.


in a name?

I used to work in short films as an actor and editor. People loved my acting and they used to call me Heroine. The day I was supercharged to start a blog, I went to a cyber cafe since I didn’t have any laptop or Computer to open a blog. The first name which came across my mind was Heroine and that’s how I named my blog TheHeroineee. Also, I love Bollywood so it totally justifies.

What is your USP in this cluttered space? How does your content give you an edge?

I believe in creating organic content. I share my lifestyle experience with regard to mental health and body shaming. My content gives an edge as it’s unique and different. Also, my lifestyle stories have inspired a lot of people which gave me the inspiration to keep writing.

Please take us through your content creation process. How do you stay relevant and relatable?

  • I think of concept around the trends and fast approaching festivals. I would think of how I could stand out in a crowd if I have to be there.
  • Then Brainstorm on Concepts for Sponsored / Non-sponsored posts
  • Also, find relevant references.

How do you make moolah with your efforts?

I make a fair amount of money which I deserve, rest I believe in doing barter collaborations to promote good startup brands. Sometimes it’s not about money, it’s about what is the quality of the client you work with.

How do you maintain editorial objectivity with the influx of brand briefs?

I see if both

sides can agree on the content generated. I maintain my feed and am very

particular about it, I refuse to put up anything which won’t be relatable to me

or my audience.

I have denied collaborations with brands if I don’t like their concept or view about products, for example, fairness brands.

One instance/experience that made it all worthwhile

My Family and friends are proud of me. I see my father and mother sharing my content piece on WhatsApp to their friends and telling them how they are proud of me is worthwhile.


brand brief/request ever?

It was from a well-known brand who wanted me to collaborate on sourcing basis for 3 styles, wherein every cost would be mine including traveling, paying the photographer and even picking up the products.

I asked them for the outfits as barter and they never called.

Also read: The MunchyMumbai duo speak about their awesome sauce


not blogging, you would be?

I would be an

actor. I acted in a few short films but if not this may be acting is my thing.


day in your life…

I work as a social media executive at an E-commerce company. My day starts with creating content for me, taking care of my family and pets, traveling 4 hours a day to work,  meeting new people and creating amazing content for the company I work at. Meeting friends and Netflix always!!


for upcoming bloggers

Be yourself is what I can say. When it comes to content creation, planning is the key. And most importantly consistency. Be consistent when you are on social media.

Your Favorite Influencer

Santoshi Shetty


Future you foresee for your Personal Brand

Be the top fashion and travel blogger of India.

Theheroinee Lifestyle content creators india Jemmylizo Nadar TheHeroinee Fashion content creators Fashion content creators india lifestyle bloggers Jemmylizo Nadar Fashion bloggers india Fashion Bloggers Content Creators india