
#Superwomen2019 First step is to spread awareness on gender neutrality & safety: Rubeena Singh, iProspect

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Rubeena Singh

With almost a decade of experience in the industry, Rubeena Singh sheds light on the secret to being a Superwoman in various capacities.

"Success comes from focusing on what has heart and meaning," shares Rubeena Singh, CEO of iProspect.

One of the winners of #Superwomen2019, the experienced leader shares her thoughts on corporates, workplaces, and brands.


would you define a Superwoman in today's day and age?

Women often feel like they need to be superheroes just to keep up with their jobs, families, friends, and interests.

In my view, a superwoman understands that she can do anything she wants, but she can’t do everything. She makes considered choices. Success comes from focusing on what has heart and meaning.


quality that you think every superwoman has and that helped you win Social

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Superman or Superwoman - to win in the corporate world one needs to have courage, passion, and humility.


successful have women been in shattering the glass ceiling in the Media &

Advertising field? Does the 'boardroom inequality' phrase still stand true?

While the Media & Advertising industry has always had more women in leadership positions compared to other industries, I believe there is a lot more to do.

iProspect has always believed in enriching and helping its women employees grow. Through our initiative, Women@iP, we want to empower diversity as well as help women reach senior roles with much more confidence. It is sad to see that while women form almost half of India’s population, their representation at the workforce is very little and it further shrinks at senior levels. At iProspect, we want to change that.

What are the key changes this industry needs in order to make workplaces gender-neutral, safe, and nurturing?

I think the first key step is to spread awareness of gender neutrality and safety. At DAN we have a zero-tolerance policy towards any biases and harassment. As a leader, I can, and I do my bit in ensuring that iProspect gives the right working environment to both genders and that no one, irrespective of their gender, feels harassed or prejudiced against.

Also read: #Superwomen2019 Never give up – things will be tough: Nisha Singhania, Infectious Advertising

One Superpower you wish you had?

In today’s time, the most precious thing

is time. If there was one superhero power, I wish I had, it is the ability to

do things extraordinarily fast – like the Flash. It would leave me with more

quality time to spend with my family.

The 'Superwomen' you diligently follow

and who inspired you...

Since am a fashion Addict

"Coco" Chanel, the founder and namesake of the Chanel brand, really

inspires me. This is because she was credited with liberating women from the

constraints of the "corset" and popularizing a sporty, casual chic as

the feminine standard of style post World War I.

The other one is Indra Nooyi. Besides the immense increase in sales at Pepsi when she was CEO, she focused on doing things like removing aspartame from Diet Pepsi, furthering the shift towards healthier foods. She also stated an intent to develop a line of snacks marketed specifically for women. But I idolize her for not just being a Superwoman but also a SuperMom.

One tip to women out there attempting to

scale heights...

One should have the confidence in herself and never

undermine her potential. The moment you stop thinking that you are a woman and

should be treated differently at your workplace, you will start growing as a

person as well as in the organization you’re working in.

#Superwomen2019 winners Rubeena Singh CEO iProspect Rubeena Singh 2019 rubeena singh superwomen Social samosa #Superwomen2019 interviews Social samosa #Superwomen2019 Rubeena Singh Rubeena Singh update superwomen 2019 winners out superwomen-2019-winners superwomen 2019 #Superwomen2019 social media superwomen