
#SocialThrowback What got Tinder users swiping in 2019

Social Samosa
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Tinder - Year in Swipe

With 'Year in a Swipe', Tinder sheds light on what 2019 taught everyone about the way Gen Z meets new people in India.

2019 was an eventful year. Travel was big, Game of Thrones released its final season, India almost played another ICC World Cup Final, the country witnessed an election and more.

In fact, 2019 was the year that Gen Z took Tinder by storm: people between 18 and 25 now officially represent the majority of the Tinder community.

Tinder presents its Year in Swipe with trends on how Gen Z meets new people.


Also read: Facebook tool can now transfer photos to Google Photos

#Goals: 2019 Swiped Right

to Travel

Travel wins big this year with the number one spot as most

mentioned in bios in India and the term Wanderlust trailing close behind.

Travel won so big, that even Tinder sent its top users to Italy for the summer.

If the next few terms are anything to go by, Gen Z is staying authentic by

speaking to each other in the slang of their generation. This means they stan lit matches with whom they can

spill the tea. Don’t mean to flex, but here are the 12 top terms used

in bios on Tinder in 2019.


#MakeaDifference: Looking for Matches who

Stan the same things

Tinder thinks the next generation of daters doesn’t use woke in their bios lightly. 2019 didn’t only see Matches, but also Marches.

The environment was the number one mentioned a cause-related word on Tinder; blame it on the AQI, or activists around the world, but words that hinted Gen Z is advocacy-driven were trending in Tinder bios in 2019.


Tinder’s Hall of Femme

2019 saw Indian women bringing it; (Lilly Singh landed a late-night show) and India’s Tinder community was here for it. Taking a moment for Feminism as one of the top trending words mentioned in bios in 2019. Icons Arianne Grande and Beyonce were mentioned 3x more by Gen Z than Millennials and eternal gratitude to the former for her moving on catchphrase which slid in at number 4.


Entertainment: Tinder loves you 3000

These major entertainment events of 2019 also turned out to be the ultimate icebreakers on Tinder. From Arya Stark taking out the Night King to the Sacred Games Season 2 launch, what Tinder users watched and listened to not only defined their year but also how they connected with each other.


How’s the Josh, Tinder?

Mercury may have been in retrograde a lot this year, but this didn’t put a damper on Gen Z leaning into celebrating big moments and writing about it in their bios. The ICC Cricket World Cup was the number one mentioned event in 2019 and ISRO had equal mention across age categories and genders.


Pride Kicked Off Match Madness in June

Article 377 already made it to the top 8 mentioned advocacy terms mentioned in bios, so it’s no surprise LGBTQ+ pride events kicked off a month of matching mania, with June boasting the most matching days of any month in 2019.

But LGBTQ+ pride didn’t only run high in June. 30% more people used Tinder’s More Genders feature this year compared to last, as a way to best reflect their authentic selves. The usage of the emoji in Tinder bios also increased by 15% globally from 2018 to 2019.

Mandatory Mention 2019 on Tinder in India

Yes, Sapiosexual and Not Here for Hookups were also mentioned this year in bios, but Tinder is happy to report usage dropped from 2018 as Gen Z makes way for 2020.


The information included in this campaign represents overall Tinder trends, not the personal information of any specific, identified individual or user. Swipe and biodata are representative of the US and global Tinder activity between January and November 2019.

Tinder Year in Swipe tinder campaign Year in Swipe campaign 2019 Year in Swipe campaign Tinder releases Year in Swipe for Gen Z in India Tinder 2019