
There’s so much inspiration everywhere: Desha Makar

Social Samosa
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Desha Makar

That Foodie Chick's Desha Makar believes in going with the flow and letting the future unfurl gradually, taking things as they come.

That Foodie Chick is a passion project for Desha Makar. It is her personal space to write about anything and everything she feels interested in, mostly in the domain of food. It could be a well thought out project or just a snap of something she stumbled upon while walking on the street. She tells us more about her content creation process.

Looking back, where did it all begin? 

It all began in February 2015! I was home one night in my pyjamas, watching random YouTube interviews and videos when suddenly a tutorial on how to create a blog on WordPress popped up. Two hours later, That Foodie Chick was on WordPress. 

I had no idea how big blogging is and what it is all about. I didn’t even know it was something you could do professionally! For me, it was simply my digital diary, a platform where I could share my experiences with people. Since writing has been my escape and happy place for as long as I can remember, this platform became an amazing outlet for me to talk about the two things I love most — food and travel.

I was fortunate to be flooded with love in the very first month of launching itself. Though there were times when I was absolutely clueless, when I look back, I’m thankful for the obstacles and the opportunities and wouldn’t have it any other way! 

What's in the name? 

As I mentioned above, blogging was never a part of the plan. But as they say, the best things happen when you least expect them to happen — I decided a name for my blog just as randomly as I created it! 

When I created an account on WordPress, I had to call it something! The Foodie Chick, This Foodie Chick, Foodie Chick, That Foodie Chick were few of the options that popped up. The latter just sounded cooler than the rest and that’s how my blog got a name!

What is your USP in this cluttered space? How does your content give you an edge?

Well, I just am myself! My content is simple, honest and something that I truly believe in. 

That Foodie Chick has been my passion project, my personal space to write about anything and everything that piques my interest — be it a ‘cutting chai’ from a small local store to an extravagant three-course, appetizing meal from a fine-dining restaurant. If you go through my social media profiles, you will realize that not everything that you see is sponsored. I share pictures and videos of random things I stumble upon while walking on the streets, of restaurants and hotels I visit and absolutely anything that excites me. 

I just feel that if you’re truly passionate about something, you should go ahead and pursue it! Everything else will follow. 

How do you make moolah with your efforts?

I’ve been fortunate to work with brands and companies that believe in my work and allow me to be myself. Right from receiving invites to restaurants, attending events, writing for various publications to planning and conceptualizing events; I’m grateful to have received so many wonderful opportunities, interacted with so many lovely people and come this far in my journey.

Also Read: Fascination for international bloggers brought Lifestyle with Priya to life

How do you maintain editorial objectivity with the influx of brand briefs?

I choose to write about anything that resonates with me. So, if the brand brief is an exciting one that coincides with my vision, I’m happy to collaborate.  

One instance/experience that made it all worthwhile

I wish I could name one! It has been such an overwhelming yet exciting experience this far. It all feels like a dream! What started off as a passion project has given me numerous opportunities that I will always be grateful for. 

Weirdest brand brief/request ever

It was from a chef who demanded I change my Zomato rating for his restaurant from 4 to 5!

If not blogging, you would be?

A photographer

A day in your life...

Begins at 8 am!

Message/tips for upcoming bloggers

Don’t get trapped in the social media rat race! Getting more likes on Instagram or Facebook is an ego game! Ignore it! Don’t ever let the temptation to make money drown your passion for something! 

Don’t get influenced by others on social media because no one’s life is as cool as it looks on Instagram! There’s a lot more that happens behind the scenes that you really don’t know about! Believe in yourself and do work that excites you. 

Your Favorite Influencer

Too many to name! There’s so much inspiration everywhere. I follow loads of influencers on social media and read up on a lot of them too. It’s intriguing, interesting and inspiring to see the kind of focus and enthusiasm they have. 

The Future you foresee for your Personal Brand

Well, I didn’t foresee an interview with Social Samosa when I started my blog in 2015 but here I am. So, I guess I’ll just go with the flow and allow my future to gradually unfold!

Desha Makar that foodie chick influencer that foodie chick blog Desha Makar that foodie chik Desha Makar influencer Desha Makar blogger food influencers india food influencers Food Bloggers food bloggers india