
Brand Saga: The era of ‘The Complete Man’ ft Raymond

Sneha Yadav
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Raymond advertising journey

In the late 80s, Raymond took it upon itself to re-define the definition of masculinity through integrated campaigns. We revisit the bylanes of the Raymond advertising journey, glancing through its branding tale.

The 96-year old brand - Raymond, who understood independent India and grew with it taking giant steps towards building an empire, is a classic tale of marketing. The Raymond advertising journey is a testimonial to its grand vision and the company’s undying spirit to redefine Masculinity at each stage.

"The first time I looked at suiting advertising was when I was asked to handle the brand Cali-ber from Calico Mills. The pioneering work done by Frank Simoes for Raymond is still fresh in my mind. The ads did not glorify suiting or a macho man but were a masterclass in the art of subtle selling,” recounts Ambi Parameswaran, Brand Strategist, and Founder-


Raymond Woollen Mill set up a manufacturing unit JK Files in 1950 for indigenous engineering files. Achieving one of its milestones was Raymond when in 1958 it forayed into retail with the launch of the first exclusive retail showroom in King’s Corner – Ballard Estate, Mumbai.

Since Dr. Vijaypat Singhania took charge in 1980, Raymond started exploring different sectors like indigo denim, charter air services, and more. Be it a loving father or a supportive partner, the black and white hues became a signature of the Raymond ads.

Apart from marketing ‘The Complete Man’ and its range of clothing, did you know that Raymond also went on to launch Kamasutra in the early 90s? Within a year of the launch, Kamasutra became the second-largest condom selling brand in India.

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In the mid-80s and early 90s, Raymond also broke free of the toxic Angry Young Man fad and brought forth a different side of masculinity with The Complete Man. The brand spoke about the other side of masculinity, once again, a subject that brands still get bashed for speaking about.  

Later when the legacy was passed onto Gautam Singhania where Vijaypat gave 37.57 % of the total shares to him. This is when ‘The Complete Man’ reigns were managed by RK Swamy BBDO and the brand journey witnessed some of its most prominent campaigns.

From ‘The Ultimate Man’ to ‘The Complete Man’ to ‘Raymond ReImagined’, the brand has revived with time. Time and again, shifting the focus to what is the need of the hour and consumer behaviour, Raymond constantly kept on upgrading with time, in terms of clothing and communications.

Portraying a caring husband, a well-read man, a doting father, an honest friend, an obedient son - Raymond while subtly integrating the product features showed ‘The Complete Man’ highlighting all the aspects of his personality and emotions through all these years.  

To get a 360-degree view of the Raymond advertising journey, take a look at the detailed saga here.

raymond suiting raymond marketing raymond campaigns raymond bbdo india Raymond advertising journey raymond ads raymond ad campaigns the complete man