
Testing: Twitter works on paid feature that can undo Tweets

Paawan Sunam
New Update
Twitter undo Tweets

Twitter is now developing an option to undo Tweets after they have been published on the paid version of the platform.

As Twitter explores a premium version of the platform that will require paid subscriptions, the feature to undo Tweets is one of the main additions to the subscription-based model.

By its current appearance, users will be able to undo a Tweet within a specific window of time. Although, this the beta version of the feature and may change if or when it is rolled out on a wider scale to all users.

The functionality of this feature has a few discrepancies on how different will it be from simply deleting a Tweet, an option that is already available to users for free.

Also Read: Testing: Twitter Shopping Features, & Private Spaces

Jack Dorsey, CEO, Twitter has discussed the highly-demanded edit button on several occasions. In an interview with Joe Rogan in 2019, he mentioned the platform was contemplating an edit button wherein users would still see the original tweet and would see the edit below as a user does on Reddit.

The reason the edit option was not available in the first place was that Twitter was built on text messaging. Dorsey said, "Once you send a text, you can’t take it back. So when you send a tweet it goes to the world instantaneously. You can’t take it back".

The same functionality that was being explored for the edit button, a 5-30 seconds window to edit a tweet has been applied to the Udo Tweet feature. Additionally, in a Q&A session with Wired, Dorsey had mentioned they will probably never launch an edit button.

The Undo Tweet is the closes the platform can get to giving users what they want, while also maintaining their notion of keeping the context of a Tweet unchangeable with the addition of new features.

Furthermore, Super Follows is another important update that can have a significant impact on the platform. The product is a tool that can enable creators and publishers to monetize their presence on their platform and enable users to support or incentivize their favorites in exchange for their content and a few perks.

The creator will earn monetary rewards with each Super Follow, and the user will receive perks such as supporter badge, subscriber-only newsletters, exclusive content, and discounts.

Social Media news social media updates Twitter Twitter News Tweets undo Tweets paid feature testing twitter updates