
Snapchat expands Creative Kit into Spotlight

Paawan Sunam
New Update
Snapchat Creative Kit

Snap Kit that enables app developers to bring Snapchat features and easy logins into their app will now also integrate Creative Kit for Spotlight, an in-app short-form video platform.

With Creative Kit for Spotlight, Snapchat users and Snap Stars can further amplify their posts with attributed content provided by the platform's partner apps, such as Voisey and Powder.

For the unacquainted, Spotlight is an in-app platform for user-generated content that will feature the most entertaining Snaps created by users on Snapchat and can range from dance, humor, engaging visuals created with Lenses or similar products, and more.

Through the kit, app developers would be able to integrate attributed content to App Pages and drive organic installs to help grow audiences, triggered by attributions.

Also Read: Snapchat introduces public profiles for Business Account

Spotlight posts would be enhanced by content from an app, and when the attribution of the content attached to the story is clicked, the Snapchat user would be redirected to the content provider’s App Page. From there the user can see how others on Snapchat are engaging with the content, and also visit the app store and install the app.


Along with App Page, developers would also be able to aggregate topics in a Topic Page. Topics can be useful for content categorization, app developers would be able to set up three optional #Topics for each post that is shared to Spotlight to track campaigns and aim to increase engagement.

Distribution of content and free traffic for the app and website, are a few of the additional benefits, along with increased engagement for partner content.

creative kit spotlight SnapChat snapchat updates Snapchat news