Facebook has announced a new role designated to select members for Groups, along with a few interactive experiences that would allow admins and moderators keep the community active.
The new experiences for Facebook Groups have been designed to streamline the flow of information on the subject matters that revolve around the community.
Group Experts
Facebook Groups are largely interest or topic-based, and certain members tend to have expertise or knowledge about the topic that may be resourceful for other members. Such members can now be designated as 'Group Experts' and will receive an Expert badge, so other members can spot their posts and comments.
Admins can scroll through the member list, select the member to give the badge to and click 'Make group expert' from the member menu. Another way to designate someones as an expert is through the menu of a member’s post.
Admins can remove members from their position as an Expert anytime, and members also have the choice to accept or decline this role.
New Experiences
The platform has now also enabled few more experiences the takes communication ahead of the traditional posts and comments.
Query Format
Posts that look like questions in the Group, would be automatically upgraded in a format that would urge members to share information or advice.
Live Audio Rooms
Live Audio Rooms that enable users to engage in discussions and conversations on topics they are interested in, in real-time will now be available to Groups, in the coming months.
In Rooms hosted by Groups, admins can grant access to moderators, group members, or other admins, for the creation of Groups. Public Groups would allow visitors to be a part of the Room, but Private Groups would only host members.
Q&A sessions in a text-based format is another additional way for members to gather information. Questions can be viewed in the Q&A's comments section and answered questions are featured in an interactive, swipe-able stack.