
Facebook launches a monetized creator festival

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Facebook creator festival

Stars Fest 2021 is a creator festival running through December initiated to increase creator earnings through limited-time sales, creator competitions and exclusive live-streaming events.

Stars Fest 2021 is a creator festival running through December initiated to increase creator earnings through limited-time sales, creator competitions, and exclusive live-streaming events.

Stars was initially created to enable viewers to reward their favorite creators during Live streams, now along with launching the creator festival, Facebook is also testing Stars in more video products and tabs such as News Feed, Watch feed and the Gaming tab, with Reels lined up for next year.

Stars Fest 2021 will run until 31 December, starting today, and will feature exclusive virtual gifts and badges, stars sale, stars fest bonus, stars creator day, special live programming, and more. Here are a few more avenues being explored for Stars.

Also Read: Facebook launches new moderation tools and improves creator support

Stars Store

Stars store is a digital destination where users can purchase Stars through Facebook Pay, save them in their virtual wallets, and reward a creator while consuming their content. Previously, users were only enabled to purchase Stars while watching a video, but through the store, viewers can buy stars as desired and for lower prices.

Stars Party

Stars Party is a new interactive feature that is triggered when Stars sent during a live stream hit a certain threshold. Once it hits this mark a countdown appears for the community to have a Stars goal, if the goal is met animated effects are displayed over the chat screen along with a 'thank you'. Stars goals completed during 22 December-3 January, will dispense a 50 USD bonus to creators.


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