
Twitter Updates: Conversation Prompts, Video Captions & more

Paawan Sunam
New Update
Twitter updates

Twitter has announced a series of updates such as conversation prompts, along with further developments on features in the beta phase based on feedback.

The rollout of each of the updates by Twitter is subjective and may not be available to all users presently.

Conversation Prompts

Conversations on Twitter can range from light-hearted banters to full-blown debates that can heat up quickly, to enable users to get a sense of the interactions and decide whether they would like to participate or not, the platform is testing conversation prompts.

These prompts can help users know if the interactions could get intense and also remind the users to stay respectful, check facts, and be open to different perspectives. The prompts are being tested on both iOS and Android, but may not be widely available to all users.

Also Read: Twitter expands private information policy to include media

Edge-To-Edge Tweets

In this test, photos, videos, Tweets, and ads will span edge-to-edge with no margin, amplifying the focus on each Tweet. The immersive timeline is an effort to improve how all forms of media and Tweets are viewed by users. This test first went live on iOS, and then was also to a select group of users on Android.

Based on feedback received, Twitter has now added some space between Tweets as users mentioned they were "too" edge-to-edge making it difficult to differentiate between Tweets in the timeline.

With Tweets spanning the width of the screen that leaves no margin, users would have less room to skip relevant Tweets that they may like but accidentally skip on as they scroll. Creative assets posted by brands and advertisers would also be paid more attention to and may lead to improved ad performance.

Video Captions

Twitter has now added the functionality to automatically add video captions that will be displayed on muted videos. The feature is now available on iOS & Android both.

captions Twitter conversation prompts updates Video