
#SS40Under40: Think automation in whatever you do says Sandeep Balani

Social Samosa
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Sandeep Balani

Sandeep Balani of JioAds talks about how The movement of television budgets to OTTs is one of the biggest trends. He further speaks about the rising trend of automation.

Sandeep Balani, Vice President, JioAds and a winner of Social Samosa 40 Under 40, 2022 edition, gives an insight into his work-life journey and how the industry needs to focus on training and create methods to update their employees.

3 ground rules/principles that have helped you excel in your career

Be ready to say no. Saying yes to everything is not good and is mostly a bad business decision. Secondly, be ready to adapt to ever-changing situations. I think COVID-19 has made every leader do that by now

and finally have a mentor. You always need guidance.

One takeaway from the pandemic & the whole WFH situation

Accept changing situations and move forward with practical and realistic business solutions to them.

What are your views on work-life balance? How do you achieve it in your daily life?

Work and life both are critical equal importance needs to be given to both. I try and stick to 9 hrs schedule but the timing is flexible during a 16 hr time period depending on when my kids are at home and what the work requirements are?

Also read: #SS40Under40 Marketing & Advertising is a way of uplifting society says Jasmeet Kaur Bedi

One moment that changed your career…and how?

I think till now my move to join Outbrain. As I moved from a team handling role back to an individual contributor role, it made me learn a lot and re-engineer my thinking to the new world of automation which is going to be a really hard reality for all of us.

Top advertising & marketing trends that you have come across in the last year - these

can be takeaways from your daily work life experience.

The movement of television budgets to OTTs is one of the biggest trends in my opinion. Digital world has moved 3 years forward and important for all of us to keep pace with it.

One thing that you would like to change in the Indian A&M industry

The industry needs to focus on training and create methods to update their employees rather than expect resources to come ready with it. This has increased the talent cost in the industry and finding consistent good talent has become really rare.

Any jargons that you think need to be banned from the A&M lingo?


One message for aspiring A&M professionals.

Think automation in whatever you do!