
Three Distinctive Indian Social Media Initiatives

Adarsh Munjal
New Update
Intel, Social Media Campaign, Marketing

As we all know, everybody is using social media nowadays to leverage their businesses and brand reputation. That’s exactly why brands opt for distinctive, never-seen-before social media initiatives to cut through the clutter and gain maximum recognition on the online space instantly.

From running a talent hunt on Facebook to using online video in an impressively inventive way, following are three social media campaigns that deserve a round of applause for their innovative work as of late.

Fox Freaky Traveler Hunt

"Is travelling to distant lands and exploring new avenues your passion?

Simply log on to and send in your application for Freaky Traveller. And you may just be the chosen one – a true blue travel jockey showcasing fun activities on your very own television show! Entries open till 30th September 2011."



Kudos to the team at Fox Traveller for innovating probably the first traveler hunt on in India, for their new show “The Freaky Traveler” (to be aired in December or January) on Facebook.


Yes, you got that right.

The hunt was held on Facebook.

Over 10,000 people had participated in this hunt (including yours truly) and only 100 made it to the final auditions which were held in Gurgaon a few weeks ago. The audition included hurdles like a group discussion, a screen test and also a personal interview; out of which only 25 were chosen to face Gaurav Kapoor and there was finally ONE lucky winner who rose above the others!


This campaign got the channel what they wanted. People talking about the channel and its shows and of course, lots of fans and followers on social media.

Intel – The Museum of Me








Intel’s newest innovation was using the medium of “online videos” inventively and they definitely impressed everybody. For those who don’t know already, The Museum of Me is a Facebook application which was created by Intel to explore the archive of your own social life in a form of an exhibition in a museum.

The Museum of Me creates a 3-minute long video about you after compiling all your personal Facebook information. Yes, it's was a brazen promotional idea for Intel's new Core i5 processors; useless but highly fascinating nevertheless.

You need to see it yourself to realize how cool it is! So click here to check it out!


Pepsi – Change the Game

The Pepsi team ran the supposedly largest social media campaign in India on Facebook during the ICC Cricket World Cup last year. It is believed to be the strongest association with the World Cup by any brand (in any category) till date on social media. So much that their fan-base grew by half a million and it also became the unofficial brand page of the Indian cricket team! :)



Marketing your brand on social media can be unexpectedly successful if you hit the right button of innovation.

So start thinking and get cracking.

Happy networking! :)



Fox History Social Media Fox History Pepsi Facebook Campaigns Indian Social Media Intel Content Creation Social Media Initiatives Pepsi Social Media Intel Social Media