
5 Facebook Apps Every Brand Should Have!

Viji Nair
New Update
5 Facebook Apps Every Brand Should Have!

Irrespective of whether you’re promoting a beauty soap or a corporate house on social media, you have to think Socially all the time!

The content posted on the page holds an immense value without which you cannot expect your community to engage with you. It is here that apps play a vital role in increasing the engagement, provided it should be used logically & smartly.

Following are a few applications that will help endorse the brand & divert fans to the page:



Booshaka is an app that will help you track the user’s interaction (likes, shares, comment) & then announce the top scorer on a new tab. Gratifying your users publicly will help you immensely in increasing the engagement on your page. They will be more likely to like, share and comment on your updates in order to get to the top spot.

P.S: This app only tracks the interactions that take place on the wall.

Networked Blogs app


Networkedblogs is a great promotional tool for a blog. This app combines social networking site & embed its widget on the blog. It also promotes your blog on the page & your personal profile. It’s an easy way for your fans to follow your blogging activities via Facebook.

It is a free app that systematizes your blog’s posts, images & other information directly on a Facebook integrated blog. Networked Blogs app is a great tool that would build up your social media presence & online marketing plan.



Personera focuses on development of Facebook applications & personalized products. The app includes cards, posters, photobooks, calendars which are available in professional print or download version. Using this app offers you can offer your community members a variety of print & personalized options which can be easily ordered from your brand page.

Persona helps your brand create an identity.

Your Calendar

This tool helps your fans to blend with you online, as well as offline.

‘Your Calendar’ allows the user to create his/her personalized calendar with the liberty to choose images, events and birthdays which can be downloaded or printed. A creative way to engage fans which can also result in a high virality for your product & services.

This app is recommended for Automobile brands, Beauty & fashion etc.

Friends’ card

This application gives the user an option to create customizable branded greeting cards which can be sent to their families, friends & relatives. The app also gratifies the fans by unlocking different 'friends levels'.

Napkin Labs


If your brand demands images, stories & recommendation from the users’ side, Napkin labs is what you should be looking at.

Superfans, Photoboard, Brainstorm & Pipeline are the applications that you should be using.

Superfans: This app helps you discover the ‘Superfan’ of your page and reward them. Doubtless to say, the one who interacts the most with your page is the Superfan.

Photoboard: It helps your user to upload images on your page & the images uploaded by your fans will be displayed in a separate tab. You can use this to create interesting photo contest that will not only drive more users to your page but also will receive amazing interaction.

This app is recommended for pages related to Photography.

Brainstorm: The name explains it all. It can be described as the alternative to what was once known as 'Discussion Board'. This is the best way to discuss & extract ideas, queries from your users. This app generates virality & interaction while getting customer feedback.

Recommended for corporate pages and education-focused pages.

Storybook: This is nothing but an app to gather user testimonials related to the product or the brand. Come up with interesting activity that engages the fan to share their most memorable moment with your product or company and use this app to ease the entire process.

Tip: You can further use these comments/positive words on your cover photo or flaunt it on your testimonial tab.

Recommended for real estate, automobile, entertainment brands, etc.

Pipeline: Helps the users post their feedback- positive as well as negative on the tab. This app could be used to deal with customers directly & help you solve their issues. The more problems you solve the more loyal customers you build.

Recommended for automobiles, real estate, home appliances, retail etc.



This app helps engage users on the page.

Involver gives you an opportunity to grow your social media presence. With an abundant set of apps, it leaves you with too many options as well as solutions

Other than the RSS Feeds, Sign up form, Polls or Customer care apps, Involver has many more amenities in their kitty like:

Static HTML: This is the best way to incorporate images & content to iFrames. The app suite users also have an advantage of changing the look & feel of their static HTML content using CSS.

Install the tab on your page and you are free to flaunt the best deals & offers there. You can also take the users to the next level by including website links to the tab.

Recommended for any and all the brands out there. It will also help the brand providing huge sweepstakes or expensive gratification on their page.

Photo gallery: An excellent app that helps you to pull photos from Flickr or Facebook on the Facebook tab. This adds more value to the product images in a professional format on your page.

Recommended for E-commerce, beauty & clothing, photography, automobile brands etc.

Social Catalog: Ask your fans to share stories related to shopping & share it with their friends. This app will definitely create engagement & help your page grow organically

Recommended for E-commerce & Automobiles.

Involver has solution for every brand. You can use the trial version provided to ensure if these apps could bring more engagement & virality on your page.

As mentioned earlier, it is necessary to check if the applications you use ensemble with your page & gives you a better result. Do let us know your views after using these or any other app for your page & its outcome.

Image Source: woodleywonderworks

Your Calendar Superfans Storybook Social Media Applications Pipeline Photoboard Personera Networked Blogs Napkin Labs Involver Friends’ card Brainstorm Booshaka