About the tool!
At SocioFi, our tagline is “Apps made easy” and that is also our motto, to make creating applications easy for our customers. SocioFi Apps is a single portal to application development and campaign management on the internet or webspace. The idea is to make the service not only user-friendly but also so simple that the brands or agencies will not feel the need for technical assistance to use them.
SocioFi applications are designed for everyone. Our applications can be used multiple times and customized to meet brand’s social requirements. Our thought was to give brands to think beyond just content and expensive campaigns to engage their audience.
We have a host of applications lined-up for release in the coming months. Currently we are working on a set of 20 applications for Facebook Brand pages. These applications will help the brand pages to engage and reach out to a wider set of audience.
Recently we launched integration specific applications(Twitter, Blog, YouTube and Instagram) for Facebook. We understand that building brand image takes time and effort. These applications will help brand pages connect with their audience on different platforms and share content simultaneously. Each of these applications comes with unique features that allows the brand to enhance visibility.
Currently, we have “Photo and Video based Campaign” applications available for use at a reasonable price. We figured that a lot of brands use these applications during festivals. Certainly, if the brand has to run the same campaign again, they would have to hire a developer each time.
This is where we come in. Both applications were built for ready-to-use, thus saving the developing costs for the brands. We also have pre-loaded designs for free-use. All that brands have to do is add their content and the campaign is ready for a launch.
Our applications will not only save time but also help tap the campaign budget for the brands.Being an Indian company, we are easily available for a conversation and just a phone call away from brands.
Who founded the product/company?
SocioFi was founded in May 2012 by Co-Founders Hemant Bandaal and Jisshesh Modi.
They had worked on various previous assignments in a client vendor relationship in their previous gigs. Hemant Baandal comes with 12 years of an accomplished track record known for building highly motivated teams, delivering and sustaining revenue and profit gains within the highly competitive Indian software market, he is also a founder of Aeon IT Solutions Pvt. Ltd. focusing on customized software development and now also on applications for Digital and Social Media.
Jisshesh comes with a 9 yrs of service industry experience in cross functional areas such as sales, customer service, business development, client servicing and vendor management, and previously managed social media presence for several brands.
When both of them got together to work on this project, they decided to address primary concerns of agencies, brands and target audiences in the Social Media business to deliver great application development platforms for their business.
Not just provide it as a service but to come up with a concept that wasn’t established yet in India. Software as a service (SaaS platforms) like SocioFi specifically catering to the application development need for consumers was yet to be built. That’s when SocioFi happened.
What platforms does it cover?
Currently, our focus is on building a series of application for Facebook Brand pages. One of our recent applications was for Cinthol’s Alive is Awesome Campaign. We are also catering to brand specific requirements and taking up assignments for Web and Mobile applications (Android, iOS, Windows etc).
We also intend to explore our horizon and cover other platforms like Twitter, LinkedIn and Google Services and build unique applications for these platforms.
Features of the tool?
Some of the key features we have added to our applications are as follows:
1. No Coding requirements – We have taken care of the coding part, which means no investment in actual development of applications. Brand managers will certainly agree that this will save them for incessant follow-ups with developers and untimely glitches in a live app. All the applications are tried and tested on our servers before launch.
2. Design Templates – We have different design templates to choose from the gallery. We also have added specific designs complimenting the upcoming festivals.
3. Reusable applications – Once brands buy an application, they can use it again in future campaigns. This way, the brands do not have to rebuild an entire application and pay for it all over again. The costs involved in reusing the applications are very reasonable.
4. Virality – We have thoughtfully added share functionality to our applications. We understand how important it is for the brands to reach out to wider audience and build more of them.
5. Local Support – Our relation with brands and agencies does not end just yet. While the campaign is running, we will always be available to the brands for any specific requirements they might have pertaining to functionality of the application or design elements of it. Our phone lines are open for discussions and we will not let our brands feel alone in their campaign run. SocioFi will always back them until the last minute.
6. Reports – We allow our brands to download a detailed report for analysis of their campaigns. Based on various parameters, we keep a track record of ongoing campaign which the brands can download in certain formats for future reference.
What analytics support does the tool provide?
Our major focus is on building unique applications. Currently, our analytics are on level one, and we will be looking to increase our database in the 2nd phase as a completely different tool.
For ongoing campaigns, we provide a detailed analytics reports that can be downloaded directly from SocioFi Platform. We have also made provision for the brands to add their Google Analytics account to measure and analyze their campaign. Some of the details captured include:
• Total Tab/Page Views – Also includes Individual page views
• Total Entries
• Number of Shares received
• Number of Votes Gathered
• Number of app invites sent
Does it give an option to download reports?
Yes, the reports can be viewed on SocioFi platform and downloaded in xls format.
What kind of sentiment analysis does it do and how accurate is it?
Currently we have not included sentiment analysis in our reports.
What are the brands/agencies that are using this tool?
We have worked with Creative Land Asia and built a “Photo Based Campaign” application for their Cinthol Alive is Awesome Campaign.
Being in the initial phase of start-up, we are currently educating and demonstrating our products to agencies and brands. We are also conducting a survey to improve our product based on their feedbacks.
Pricing & Packages
We have a subscription model and pay as you go. The subscription model is based on the requirement and PAYG standard rates are 200$ for base campaign and 2$ per day charge. Currently we are offering 1st campaign free of cost for 15 days.
RoadMap: What are future plans for the product?
Our mission is to become a recognized name in end to end solution in Social Media campaign management and applications.
There is a lot held for future development aiming towards customizable SM platform page management, competition benchmarking, analytics, Ad management and unique applications.
Simultaneously we are also working on creating an in-built platform to manage multiple brand accounts. The brands can manage, delete and analyze their content on several social networks from a single page. In addition to this, the brands can also keep a track of their active online competitions.
Some of the other details will have to be kept a surprise for now.
The Team
Hemant Baandal – CEO and CTO
Hemant Baandal comes with 12 years of an accomplished track record known for building highly motivated teams, delivering and sustaining revenue and profit gains within the highly competitive Indian software market.
He started off with his own venture to develop a successful Bandwidth Management Software back in the 2000. Later, as technology evolved, he went ahead and founded Aeon IT Solutions Pvt. Ltd. in 2004, focusing on customized software development and now also on applications for Digital and Social Media.
He makes sure our vision and mission is intact and leads us to our destination, he is also responsible for product development here at socioFi.