
Sanjay Mehta on What are the Best Ways a Brand can Leverage Facebook [Video]

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Today Facebook is one of that platform where you can find most of the brands. Over the last few years, brands have embraced Facebook as a key marketing channel to drive engagement and brand awareness but the question is whether some brand content creates more brand engagement on Facebook than others?

Check out the Interview below where Sanjay Mehta shares many ways a brand can leverage Facebook:

Leveraging Facebook depends upon the purpose for which you are present as a Brand. There are different paths for different purposes.

The first important point is to get your large prospects know that you are there and perhaps connect with you in terms of liking the page. Identify and connect to your target market and look for ways to reach them.

says Social Wavelength Co-Founder, Sanjay Mehta.

Brands leverage facebook Facebook Social Wavelength Interview Sanjay Mehta Video