
Social Media Agency Feature: Buzzfactory - A Social Media & Digital Consulting Agency

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Who are we?

Buzzfactory is a social media & digital consulting agency that partners with businesses to support their online strategy & execution of their digital initiatives. We started off in in mid 2009 in Pune informally working with small startups & companies overseas helping them build them with their online visibility and develop a stronger web footprint.

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We’ve gradually evolved into what is now referred to as a social media & digital agency with the team head quartered in Pune and a sales presence in Newport Beach, California. Over the years we’ve worked with a mix of clients big & small across various business verticals both in India and overseas. At heart we’re all “digital people”. People who are passionate about digital, social, mobile, commerce, communications and the web who have been working in this space because it’s what we love doing.

What's in the name?

Well the name BuzzFactory came instantly back when we started since it seemed to capture the essence of the company that we were trying to build. A place that creates “Buzz” for businesses or brands. All the activity we do online essentially creates an ecosystem of content, conversations and communication around the brand which is the “Buzz” that people come across online.

Buzzfactory Team

The Pink Elephant in our logo signifies that we work towards making brands and businesses stand out on the web so they can be “visible” through the clutter. Who wouldn’t notice an elephant that was pink when it walks past you? It’s all about creating pink elephants

What we do?

  • Web Redesign / Web Strategy
  • Social Media Engagement & Consulting
  • Content Marketing & Development / Inbound Marketing
  • Digital Marketing (SEO / PPC / Affiliate / Media Buying)
  • Ecommerce Consulting
  • On-location / In-store Mobile Engagement

Why we do it?

It was clear even 5 years ago in 2009 that the dynamics of marketing and business in general was going to not just evolve but undergo a complete paradigm shift.

We decided at the time that with this shift there will be a demand for a very different set of people to guide businesses through this change: bloggers, content creators, communication experts, search experts, web analytics people, web strategists and we decided those are the people we need to bring together in order to support businesses when they had decided social media and the digital shift is not just a passing trend.

How we evolve?

We obsessively track the web, read, learn, update, discuss, share knowledge and repeat virtually every day. Most of what we learnt last year doesn’t help today so we evolve daily by updating ourselves just to keep up with everything that is going on within the domain.

That way, it helps that everyone in the team is individually learning new things and these things get shared in discussions.

Social responsibility in social media

There is no getting around the fact that everything is transparent and the words spreads fast online. Ensuring each person in the agency is very conscious of what he / she is saying or posting and the way it can be perceived is critical and so is trust at every level.

When you have someone that represents your communication, you need to function on trust. Clients have to trust agencies, agencies have to trust the team, the team has to trust their own judgment and the audience ultimately reacts based on what is being said.

Need of the hour

Clarity of expectations, objectives and selection of the right mediums to engage on. Whether it’s Facebook, a Blog, Twitter, Pinterest or Google Ads, each platform or medium addresses a different marketing angle and needs to be understood by a client before jumping into social media and digital marketing expecting it to work like traditional media platforms.

We learned the hard way

That the customer isn’t always right and your role as an agency is to guide the client through a realm that are not necessarily familiar with and know what to expect from. We learned that we need to work with clients that trust you to advise them and avoid ones that have their own perception on what social media is and expect you to apply the rules of traditional marketing in the digital world.

Did we just share that?

We get some really interesting phone calls and requests from time to time which leave you gobsmacked! Once a guy planning to start an ecommerce website called and said “I know there are few million people in Mumbai on the internet. I don’t want them all to come to my website on the first day when I make the site live on the internet. Is there a way to slow things so everyone doesn’t come in one day? We can’t handle several million customers on the first day.”

They work with us

Gridlogics Technologies, Zeebric LLC, Certus Group, Chrono Watch Company, FJs / Cocoberrys, The Suntex Group

Industry as we foresee

The Indian social media scene is going to expand rapidly and at a pace which most businesses are not even ready for. Ecommerce and internet enabled businesses will grow in leaps and bounds and “mobile” will be the single biggest driver in this space.

We’re very bullish about in-store or on location mobile engagement especially within retail, consumer brands, restaurants and even smaller businesses with physical locations that want to bridge offline locations with online social media and digital capabilities. The industry is still in a very early stage and it’s exciting how much will happen in the months and years to come.

A day without Internet

You should see us on days like that, it’s hilarious. Like taking a pacifier from a baby and waiting to see what their reaction will be.

Lastly, are you hiring?

We’re always looking for who will be the next person to fit in with us and join the journey. Currently looking to hire a Web Designer with crazy Wordpress Skills, Graphics Designer with an amazing visual sense, Social Media Analysts and Content Writers.

Social Media Engagement traditional marketing Communication a Blog Facebook Twitter Traditional media Digital Marketing google ads Buzzfactory content marketing small startups Pinterest