
Social Media Campaign Review : Mumbai International Airport's #WelcomeToT2 Delights People on Social Media

Parampara Patil Hashmi
New Update
csia #welcometoT2 campaign

The new integrated Terminal 2 at GVK Chhatrapati Shivaji International Airport finally opened its doors to its first passengers on 12th February 2014. The operational launch is for international flights only. The new terminal boasts of world class facilities grand architecture and international standards. This is touted be the next landmark structure in the city.

T2 mumbai Campaign


CSIA Mumbai launched a week long integrated social media campaign inviting messages from Mumbaikars on Facebook and twitter to extend a warm welcome to the first passengers arriving at the newly opened terminal. These messages were displayed on screens at the new terminal of the airport.


CSIA Mumbai launched a #WelcomeToT2 campaign a week before its opening on the 6th February, 2014. This campaign was carried out in three phases.

Phase I


A Facebook application was launched for Mumbaikars to share their messages for the first passengers at the GVK CSIA Mumbai, Terminal 2. Facebook users could like the page and leave their #WelcomeToT2 message using the application. This application also permitted picture messages.

T2 mumbai Campaign on Facebook


Simultaneously, twitter followers of @CSIAMumbai were asked to tweet their messages with #WelcomeToT2.

T2 mumbai Campaign on Twitter

Phase II

Over 300 messages were received from the Facebook application and twitter. These messages were displayed at the newly opened Terminal 2 of the GVK CSIA, Mumbai. The first passengers were welcomed with these warm messages from Mumbaikars and gift hampers.

T2 mumbai GVK

T2 mumbai GVK

Phase III


Instagram was the third platform engaged in this campaign, for live coverage of the first passengers. Videos and pictures of the first passengers and the staff were uploaded on the popular picture sharing application as the passengers and some top staff at the terminal shared their experience at T2.

T2 mumbai Campaign on instagram


#WelcomeToT2 campaign focused on the emotion of ‘Mumbaikar’ and T2 being the pride of the city.

The #WelcomeToT2 campaign was a huge hit with the response it garnered across the social media platforms.

There was already a lot of buzz around the launch of the new terminal with its teaser video campaign which had the voiceover of legendary Bollywood actor; Amitabh Bachchan went viral in no time.

The @WelcomeToT2 campaign was a very innovative campaign launched by CSIA Mumbai to welcome the first passengers at the airport. It invited special focus from its passengers and also engaged the public on social media to add to the existent buzz and excitement regarding the launch of the new terminal.

The extension of the campaign across the three majorly used platforms- Facebook, Twitter and Instagram ensured an all round presence of the same.

Users sent out genuine, creative and warm messages for the first passengers, making this an indeed memorable affair.

This also led to the increase of good will amongst the passengers, adding to their warm reception and hence encouraging the spread of positive word of mouth.

Instagram was very well used keeping in mind its strengths, adding to the campaign efficiently.

Due to the success of its previous campaigns and its continuation by a follow on campaign, there has been a rapid addition of participants.

The constant innovations and attractions have ensured newer areas of engagement and interactivity for the audience.

The brand’s consistency in personally thanking users for their messages created a rather positive impact.

Within no time, the GVK CSIA Mumbai became the most talked about airport on social media, creating an instant desirability and attractiveness.

What is rather notable is the absence of any paid mediums, or contracted influencers who added in making the campaign a success.

Thus, making the brand a huge success in terms of its online presence.

Scope of Improvement

The rapid shift in campaigns and their hash tags led to added confusion with no dedicated timeline for any of the activity, such known to the audience. This could be prevented in future by focusing on the aggressiveness of the campaign and also by emphasizing on the deadlines or closing date.

With the amount of coverage, articles and other content being shared about the brand, keeping in mind its grand opening, it became difficult to figure out the brands own, currently existent campaign. Highlighted stories and consistency with hash tags could perhaps solve the issue.

The users did not have an assurance if their messages would be displayed. The brand could’ve reposted the chosen messages or shared snapshots of the messages displayed to add to a sense of satisfaction and pride.

Engaging a medium like SMS could’ve further multiplied the rate of response.


GVK CSIA Mumbai did a remarkable job with their campaign #WelcomeToT2 creating positive reviews about the brand amongst its passengers and potential users in one of a kind campaign. The campaign worked magically amongst the classes and the masses. With this, CSIA Mumbai has consistently multiplied its social media presence with a very positive response.

Great job! Looking forward to more such campaigns from the brand.

Facebook Social Media Campaign Twitter @CSIAMumbai Mumbaikars on Facebook GVK Chhatrapati Shivaji International Airport CSIA Mumbai #WelcomeToT2 campaign Facebook Application Instagram Social Media Platforms