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Airtel is the most social telecom company in India, scorin high on SSI due to their high social media buzz score and high activity on Twitter. Simplify360 Social Index (SSI) for telecom companies takes into account the earned social media buzz, Facebook score and Twitter score. Facebook score and Twitter score are calculated on the basis of the number of fans or followers and the engagement. While earned social media buzz is the organic buzz generated by people online on social media platforms other the the company's owned brand pages.
Airtel has a whopping 37% share of the social media buzz. Vodafone and Idea Cellular are a distant second and third with 12% and 11% share of buzz respectively.
Idea and Aircel has the right combination of fans as well as engaged fans on Facebook. As a result these two companies scored high on Facebook. Tata Docomo despite having the highest number of fans on Facebook has lesser number of people talking about the page.