While preparing a social media strategy pitch for prospective clients most of us end up giving Facebook/Twitter a major chunk of the whole plan and when the project starts we fight with other competitor accounts for getting best reach for our content, better influence score in order to achieve a higher overall buzz.
But, have you ever thought of giving a certain social media platform a try, which is less crowded, more visual, much better in expressing creativity, and the one which is more popular amongst teens/young adults than the bigger social media networks – Yes, we are talking about the underdog of social media fraternity – Tumblr!
Tumblr by far can be called as the most underestimated social network by organizations. Like twitter or Facebook, Tumblr is not only used for posting text updates but it can be used by the users to express their creativity and more importantly it can serve as an outlet to express their affinity towards a particular brand.
“Surprisingly, the life of the content on Tumblr is more than Facebook updates and tweets combined with the recent algorithmic changes in Facebook which has reduced the average reach of Facebook posts – Tumblr can come as a big relief, if it suits a brand’s business objectives”
As per a recent survey from GlobalWebIndex there is a considerable shift in the user behavior and people are now shifting to networks like Instagram, Tumblr and Pinterest whereas bigger networks like Google Plus, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, YouTube are experiencing a decline in usage.
So, what are you missing if you’re not giving Tumblr the attention it needs?
1. Brand affinity possibility – Tumblr lets you create a story for your brand with the help of images and the way images especially GIFs are being consumed nowadays, Tumblr can serve as a great way to build a niche community which will in turn lead to an increased loyal fan base.
2. Tumblr is becoming(or is already) a rage amongst 15-25 age group – We all know that Facebook is now losing its grip on its young user base and people are now migrating to other platforms – So, brands who are looking to target the similar age group should seriously start considering Tumblr as an inevitable part of their social media arsenal.
3. It is less crowded…thus less competition – Chances of your competitor brand being already present on Tumblr is very less, as brands are still dicey about it – Why can’t you become the first mover and establish a case study for your brand on how you mastered the art of engaging through Tumblr.
4. Tumblr is like a blank piece of paper – Tumblr actually liberates its users, it allows them to be more creative and expressive which in turn is great for brands because the content on Tumblr would certainly give them a edge over their competitors.
5. Tumblr is siphoning off some young traffic from Facebook – Though Facebook still continues to be the giant, but youngsters who no longer want to be noticed by their relatives/family friends are migrating to such platforms where they are their real selves.
6. Tumblr Ads – Unlike other platforms, advertisements are non-intrusive and they do not hinder user experience as they get completely integrated with the normal content, which allows brands to reach a greater audience without annoying their fans.
Few things to know about Tumblr before planning your Tumblr strategy
1. Success metrics are Reblogs and Likes
2. Brand pages are similar to user pages
3. Reblogs can be tagged by the users
4. Users can also comment on the Reblogs
Learn From The International Brands
Coca Cola is spreading happiness through Tumblr
• Coca Cola has created some really stunning GIF images which are highly engaging
• Facebook , Twitter and Instagram pages are also integrated into the Tumblr page which further spreads the content,
• Coca Cola is primarily targeting the young audience, majorly teens
Adidas NEO is tapping the youth through Tumblr
• The core focus is on highlighting different activities in a teen’s life – Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez are ensuring that the fans stick to the page for long – Must say, brilliant visuals created by Adidas NEO
• The focus is on creating a niche community which is highly targeted.
Tumblr is slowly and steadily catching up the pace and brands whom are fit for a user base like that of Tumblr should not wait for a minute and just dive into this enormous ocean of brilliant visuals and creativity.