
Louis Philippe Leverages Owned Media Effectively As It’s Digital Magazine Strikes Home With Their Target Audience

Krutika Dalvi
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Louis Philippe Leverages Owned Media Effectively As It’s Digital Magazine Strikes Home With Their Target Audience

For long have brands relied on paid media to grab eyeballs and outshout their competition. Spending millions of dollars on advertising on traditional and digital mediums, they have tried very hard to garner a share of voice larger than their counterparts. But does it make any sense to pour so much money when you can easily gather a following around you by building sustainable properties?

Thanks to the reach and virality offered by digital media, it has become easy for brands to leverage their owned as well as earned media channels for marketing. As brands are becoming publishers, we are seeing a trend that will change the face of marketing in the coming years.

In this context, I see Louis Philippe’s The Label as a great initiative to attract their target audience with the help of owned media. By creating a content platform, the brand has taken the leap into content marketing much before its competitors.

Building Digital Properties

I never figured why brands shy away from building properties that drive people to their outlets/websites. It is one of the most effective ways to grab the attention of people, yet it is seldom used by businesses.

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With The Label, Jack in the Box has helped Louis Philippe build a property that caters to their audience and makes them keep returning to them again and again. This way of leveraging owned media is really commendable and is the way to go about.

As a brand that sells premium style products, Louis Philippe’s content platform is a natural extension that ensures consistency in messaging and also the brand’s personality.

Content Marketing FTW!

Nothing beats content marketing. No amount of media spends and contests/campaigns can beat the marketing done by your great content.

With The Label, the brand is creating great content that is relevant to its positioning as well as interesting. It is this content that will drive the marketing for the brand’s products and help them establish their authority amongst their audience.

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By leveraging the power of social media channels and word of mouth, I believe the content shared by them can take them places.

Understanding The TG

Looking at the content shared by The Label, I can see that Louis Philippe understands its target audience really well. The interface is sleek and gives the feel of high-end luxury which is what the brand’s target audience belongs to. Even the tonality of content resonates with the brand’s personality.

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They also know that their target audience likes to read about travel, sports, gadgets and automobiles as well. And this why The Label has not restricted itself only to fashion. The brand knows what its audience wants and ensures that they get it.

No In Your Face Marketing

The best way to round off a great content marketing activity is when you act all cool by letting the content do all the talking and not pushing your brand name everywhere.

The moment you start trying to push yourself with every piece of content, you ensure that less people consume your communication. The Label has made sure that the content takes the centre-stage while pushing back the brand, Louis Philippe.

Keeping the requirements of audience as priority, they have decided to let the content do all the talking about the brand and its personality.

End Notes

I am really excited to see consumer brands create content and build digital properties instead of pushing out messages that lose their relevance as time passes. It would be interesting to see what The Label manages to do in order to drive more traffic to itself apart from just sharing updates on social media channels.

Taking the help of influencers to create content might be something they should look at. Overall, it is a really effective way for Louis Philippe to promote itself in the long term.

Understand the target audience Building Digital Properties Louis Philippe digital properties content marketing