Facebook News Feed: Live Updates From Friends and Pages

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Facebook News Feed: Live Updates From Friends and Pages

Facebook News Feed keeps users updated about what is trending and what is being talked about in the online world. But many a times, updates are not visible on a timely basis and users tend to miss out on posts or stories that are interesting & relevant only at a specific moment. Therefore the latest update to News Feed shows up posts which are important at that particular moment, other than the updates which are constantly being posted on user's wall.

For Example, if people are talking about a particular sport and the engagement from people is high, such topics will be placed higher in the News Feed because at that specific point of time, that topic was interesting.


The News Feed Update takes two following aspects into account:


  • The first - Will be showing stories higher up in the feed about things that are trending as soon as they occur which means, all hot topics or posts which are being talked about by user's friends or connected pages will be visible higher up in the news feed, so that the content is viewed sooner.
  • The second aspect to be taken into account will be the rate at which people are liking or commenting on the post. Therefore it will show the post higher up in the News Feed based on the number of likes a post has received. The new update will begin to look at when people are engaging with the post i.e liking, commenting and sharing the post.


This will show how interesting the post is. If there is a higher rate of engagement with the post, it will be interesting at that point of time and potentially less interesting at a later date when there is lesser engagement.

The other signal to be taken care of will be considering which stories to bump in the News Feed. Bumping is resurfacing stories which people did not scroll down far enough to see but are still getting lot of engagement, so that such posts appear nearer to the top of the News Feed.

The update will be rolling out gradually so that there are no significant changes in distribution of data.



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