
The Wittiest Complaint Letter To Snapdeal On Facebook

Siddharth Das
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The Wittiest Complaint Letter To Snapdeal On Facebook

How would you feel if you had ordered a gift for your sweet little nephew and your favorite shopping portal fails to deliver it in its original condition? Frustration will definitely set in, having spent a good amount of money on it. The next step would obviously be to write to the customer complaint dept to get the damaged good replaced right? The replacement phase does take some time but in the case of one of Snapdeal's customer named  George Aikara it took more than a week and still no body showed up. Now if the replacement doesnt happen within 3 days it will really send someone over the edge.

What this customer wrote in this witty complaint will surely give you a good chuckle.

Take a look at his complaint letter on Facebook.

Hello Snapdeal

I hope everything is good at your end. This is regarding order number 9535723 - Panda baby swing car. A gift for my nephew from my sister's friends which was delivered to my address in broken condition.

I am grateful to the wonderful people at Snapdeal for this. I have always felt that our craving for material things is where the world is going wrong. But then if only more people listened to me. I would think there would be lesser wars in the world. But yes, I digress.

You see, since the product was damaged, we had requested for a replacement. The people at Snapdeal responded very promptly and the reverse pick up was scheduled for 24th Sep. Its 09th Oct now and I see no signs of anyone coming. I do call your customer care numbers everyday and they tell me that it will happen for sure by the end of the day. They are very sweet. In fact I think I connected to one of them at a very deep level.

I know I am being very unreasonable here. After all, the product has been paid for and why should you be bothering now. But let me tell you its not about you, its about me. You see, I am a very lonely man. Nobody likes to talk to me. When I received a message from Snapdeal that someone will come for the pick up of the product, I was excited. I bought new clothes, took a bath and got a haircut. I even got beer (fruit juices also in case your guy turned out to be teetotaller).

Please let me know if you are planning to send a guy to pick up the damaged product and replace it. Otherwise just let me just know whether this damaged product you sent is recyclable. This money spent on Snapdeal seems like it has gone to the drain. Let me atleast get some carbon credits.

And if you guys have a "Donate money to Snapdeal" section on your website please let me know the link. I would like to donate more money to your company.


With the frenzy of fails in the recent past, from the Flipkart fiasco to  the dish soap packed inside mobile box  it remains to be seen how the future of e-commerce industry stacks up.

Online shopping portals receive angry customer complaints frequently, but this letter has surely upped the level of customer creativity . Will Snapdeal respond to this or just keep creating deeper bonds with its customers on such instances?  And even if they do, they have to up the ante to reply to this particular complaint.

Facebook customer services complaint SnapDeal