
Content marketing for realty: A brave attempt by Kolte Patil

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Content marketing for realty: A brave attempt by Kolte Patil
We are sure that all remember the hazy video of excited youth discovering treasure in Bavdhan, Pune. Yes, most of us thought that the video isn’t remotely connected to social media. But, here is a content marketing campaign weaved with curiosity and story – telling.

The video released by a group named Backpack Outdoors as the first phase of Kolte Patil developers, Pune. Speaking about a certain treasure the group stumbled upon, the video developed a curiosity around what exactly lays there.

The new follow-up video, released by the realty brand depicts how staying with family and experiencing small joys are actually the real treasures of life. Banking on this link, Kolte Patil reveals their Stargaze project in Bavdhan, Pune as the just right nest for a happy home.

A saga of father reminiscing sweet old memories of family, friends and mainly his home, conveys a lot about how parents want their children to have a healthy and green breathing space.

Realty is still a developing segment on social media. While the big daddies of the space have managed to crack the basic new media marketing right, measure fund focus for the segment continues to prevail on traditional media.

Kolte Patil’s campaign exhibits strong story telling elements with the release of three consecutive videos. Also, the surprise element seemed to work well for the brand, attracting a lot of eyeballs.

Nonetheless, campaigns of such ideating stature yield best results only with an extremely strategic push and marketing. If curiosity element is what you plan to inculcate in your campaign, make sure that all the relevant social media pages and influencers are speaking about.

The campaign, exhibits the fact that social media advertising can fetch much stronger results in lesser budget. It’s time for crafting multi – platform campaign tied with lead generation objectives; and realty on social media is all set to take off.

In the meanwhile, Kolte Patil’s campaign, holds a lot to pick from.


segment push platform campaign multi-platforms Kolte Patil infleuncers generation objectives campaign Content marketing Social media Indian Social Media connected discovering Brand experience budget content marketing outdoor Social media advertising social media pages backpack