
Phase 1 - If Indian Independence was Fought in the Era of Social Media

Tirtha Vedak
New Update
phase 1 independence


With Independence Day just around the corner, Social Samosa tried covering the major events of the big day in an hypothetical situation - If Independence day was fought on social media, this is how it would be.

Accompanied with a punch of puns and sarcasm, here is all what you need to know about Indian independence battle on social media.

1600s - East India Company checks in on Swarm; on vacation for a couple of centuries. No big deal!



1857 - Secret groups and top-secret mission, Mangal Pandey's Facebooking skills could be as good as his sword fighting skills.
1858 - Imagine if Rani of Jhansi was featured on a blog post. Oh! don't use your imagination, we already did that for you.

magazine blog

 1877 - Queen Victoria enters India!


1899 - Lord Curzon instagramming his life away and teaching us what-not-to-do!


To know what happens in the early 1900s on Indian social media platforms, watch out for phase II.
The era post 1930 and the final days of the battle are in Phase III.
Youtube freedom Facebook Twitter independence freedom fight India struggle Rani of Jhansi Queen Victoria Mangal Pandey Lord Curzon indian independence Indian Social Media eighteenth century britishers Social Media Platforms