
Do’s & Don’ts for every Social CMO

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Social CMO

Jessie Paul, CEO of Paul Writer takes us through the concept of a Social CMO and few guidelines they need to keep in mind.

Gone are the days, when a single Corporate Communications person handled all that went out on behalf of a CMO or any other key spokesperson. Social CMO or CMO of the digital age are the brand ambassadors of their brand on social media and they certainly have to conduct their profile like it.

Jessie Paul, CEO of Paul Writer takes us through the concept of a Social CMO and few guidelines they need to keep in mind.

You have to be social: People say that they want to be a Social CMO, but won’t get involved personally on social media. In such cases, the person comes across as very corporate and they won’t get to know any of the latest features. The rule is, in today’s technology is, you first have to start as a consumer and then only it can become a business technology.

Also Read: #TheSocialCMO: Ranjivjit Singh, Samsung India decodes the brand’s content strategy

Split your social media engagements: Social media engagements need to be divided into two parts, one being, what you as an organisation do and step two is what you as an individual do. You need to have a corporate plan for social and should let your employees play around within the corporate framework. The true power of social actually comes in, when every member is involved and works as a team.

There should be a strong corporate policy for social media: There needs to be a strong corporate policy which allows people to know, what is okay and what is not in the social media space.

It is important to measure success: If you are allowing people to come on social media and help your company build a brand, then are you measuring success? Do you have a leader board? Are you going to reward them because they were awesome online? If you are not doing it, then you are actually leaving it to chance, which is risky. It is very important to measure the success and have a leader board.

Paul concluded the session by saying, “If you want your team to be social, you need to give them access to social media. Also, as a Social CMO decide which social media playgrounds you would choose to play in. For example, you may be on Facebook and Twitter and not on Instagram, so, inform your organization that these are your focus areas and you are only going to play in these spaces.”

Jessie Paul, CEO of Paul Writer shared her thoughts at #SMLive organised by Social Samosa. You can watch the entire session below. 

Also Read: #TheSocialCMO: In conversation with Lluis Ruiz Ribot, KFC India
social cmo practices Social CMO jessie paul cmo india cmo Social Media Marketing sm live Digital Marketing Paul Writer