
The Royal Indian Guard Parminder has a message for you!

Social Samosa
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Royal Indian Guard

Britannia Good Day launched a new video titled A day in the life of a Royal Indian Guard which takes the viewers through the life of Parminder from the India Gate.

In A day in the life of a Royal Indian Guard the guard narrates the daily routine, which involves standing at attention because of his duty and the various people whom he sees throughout the day in front of the India Gate -  from joggers, tourists, guide to balloon sellers. He can't smile even when others ask him to do because he is standing there and doing his duty. So, he makes it a point to smile as much as possible when he is back home. In the end, he urges the viewers to smile more and have a Good Day.

The two minute twenty two seconds campaign has over 1k views on YouTube, while it has 264k views on Facebook with over 13k reactions. The video has also managed to garner over a thousand shares.


Prita Shivakumar, ECD, JWT opines "I think this one has all the right ingredients to reach out and touch your heart. A brand that's all about smiling more and celebrating the value of a smile through an unexpected and heartwarming story. A man who is compelled by virtue of what he does for a living, to withhold his smile. It's only under such circumstances that you realize the value of that magical gesture - the human connection it forges and the goodwill it generates, all the more because a smile doesn’t expect anything in return. At the end of the story, the only thing I will say is, you know you want to curve your lips and smile at your fellow humans a lot more than you usually do. And if our story leaves a smile behind with you in the telling of it, well, we have reason to smile too!”

Speaking on the digital film release, Ali Harris Shere, VP – Marketing Britannia Industries, said, “As a run up to World Smile Day, Britannia Good Day is launching its first ever digital film, and we wanted to make sure it brilliantly does the two fold job of being a great story and effectively passing on the message of Smile More, that the brand wants to convey. We wanted to get people to realize they do not have any reasons not to smile and shouldn’t hold back – and to encourage this realization we went on the opposite path to identify people who have reasons not to smile owing to their work regime, honour or commitment – the Indian Guard of honour being one of them. This is where the film stems from. We expect viewers will love this film and hope to impact them to smile more; meanwhile the film is also aimed at strengthening our brand salience and positioning.”

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Britannia campaigns britannia social media Social Media Campaigns digital campaigns britannia Smile britannia digital campaign Britannia good day A day in the life of a Royal Indian Guard