
Facebook launches ‘Brand Collabs Manager’ to boost influencer marketing

Sneha Yadav
New Update
facebook brands

In an attempt to provide an additional support to brands to build connections with the creators, Facebook has rolled out a new tool namely 'Brand Collab Manager'.

Facebook announced the launch of ‘Brand Collab Manager’ which will help brands connect with appropriate influencers and content creators for a better reach. With 85% of marketers resorting to influencer marketing in the digital age to capture the attention of a larger chunk of audience online and offline too, Facebook has upped its ante to help connect brands to creators.

We want to help creators be discovered by brands for new branded content collaborations. The Brand Collabs Manager lets brands search and find creators to potentially establish deals and partnerships with. We’ve been testing this with a limited set of partners, and will now be opening up more broadly,” states Facebook in a blogpost.

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You can sign up on the Brand Collab Manager website as a brand to Find Creators for Branded Content Partnerships, reach your target audience, discover fresh talent and see which other brand creators have worked with. Also can register as Creator to get discovered by brands, showcase ypur best original content, quickly customize a portfolio and Use your Page to like a brand's Page and appear on their suggested list of creators.

The social media giant is looking forward to seeing how creators use these tools to create great experiences for their fans. Creators need to join the Facebook for Creators community at to express their interest in the newly introduced tools.


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