
Instagram tests targeted advertising on stories with ‘Promote’

Sneha Yadav
New Update

While it’s no news that businesses have been thriving on Instagram with the photo-sharing app testing new features for enhancing the experience; Instagram is now testing a new Instagram Promote for Stories feature.

Instagram promote for stories when activated will enable advertisers to target certain users based on a  variety of characteristics through Stories.  The feature works on the same line of Facebook’s  “Boost” option, as mentioned by Techcrunch. For example, users will be able to see a string of fashion advertisements or tips on stories if they are a style enthusiast and follow a lot of fashion accounts.

Also Read: Instagram now lets users share IGTV videos on their Stories

The characteristics on which business will be able to target users include those of consumer’s location, similarity and other targeting parameters that Instagram imbibes. Social Media specialist Matt Navarra tweeted about the testing:

However, the company’s spokesperson confirmed that at the platform that they don't have an immediate timeline for 100 percent rollout of Instagram promote for stories while the feature gets tested globally. Instagram Stories boasts of over 400 million daily active users and has also been potentially contributing to Facebook's growth. While Snapchat, the pioneer of disappearing Stories stands at 191 million daily users. 

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