
Facebook to revamp policies making pages more transparent and accountable

Paawan Sunam
Updated On
New Update

Facebook users managing a page will see a new tab that would show removed content that oppose Community Standards and posts with reduced distribution that have been flagged false by third-party fact checkers.

They are also upgrading their recidivism policy to tackle repeat offenders.

The Page Quality tab includes two sections - content removed for violating Community Guidelines and content rated “False,” “Mixture” or “False Headline” by third-party fact-checkers.

The new tab is build to intercept hate speech, graphic violence, harassment & bullying, regulated goods, nudity or sexual activity, and support or praise of people and events that are not allowed to be on Facebook.

Also Read: Facebook launches Community Actions, a feature to start petitions

The platform has prohibited users from creating new pages that are similar to the ones previously banned. Though, users have been trying to get around these policies by using existing pages for the same purposes.

Now, when they remove a Page they may also remove Pages and Groups even if that specific Page or Group has not met the threshold to be unpublished on its own. They would look at a few sets of details before removing the page like if they have the same admin, same name, etc.

Improved transparency may reduce the breakout of fake news and false information surfacing.

Facebook users distribution groups third-party Community Guidelines Content Bullying speech people policy tab information Remove hate users guidelines upgrading third-party fact checkers Standards sexual activity page Facebook repeat offenders repeat removed content regulated goods Support reduced distribution reduced recidivism policy fake news recidivism quality praise Page Quality tab Page Quality offenders nudity Mixture community news Headline Harassment graphic violence false information False Headline false fact checkers community standards posts events policies Pages fake