
LinkedIn improves it's Help Center with In-Product Help

Paawan Sunam
New Update
LinkedIn Help Center

LinkedIn Help Center would now host a more personalised experience by featuring the options most relevant to the segment of the platform used.

According to their official blog, the platform started off by asking an important question to themselves, "Can we bring the Help Center to members instead of bringing members to the Help Center?"

LinkedIn noticed that most of the times when a user has a query or they face uncertainty, they would have to disrupt whatever they were doing and go to the Help Center to find answers. To smoothen this, LinkedIn combined a product and a topic.


For example, if you're viewing LinkedIn feed, the context on Help Center would be related to LinkedIn and feed, if you're searching on Recruiter, context shown would be related to recruiter and search.

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They also developed In-Product Help widget, for all frontend applications at LinkedIn that consists of a small client library and a UI layer.

The platform developed In-Product Help with the aim in mind that it would let users do the following things - get contextual help-content instantly, view summarized & "bite-sized" help articles, and rate an article's helpfulness, perform a custom text-based search for help content.

In-Product Help is available to all users on desktop, who have their language set as English. In the future, they would roll it out to other languages, mobile platforms and other LinkedIn products such as Recruiter and Sales Navigator.

segment Client options Content personalised relevant Applications Articles products ‘Product small Help Center desktop sales experience topic center library widget recruiter UI layer UI small client library personalised experience Navigator LinkekdIn products LinkekdIn platform layer In-Product Help widget In-Product Help In-Product In Help widget help content help articles LinkedIn frontend applications frontend help client library bite-sized articles bite-sized sales navigator