
Social Media News Round Up: Twitter testing Hide Replies, Spotify India launch, and more

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Social Media News

Social Media Platforms are constantly evolving and updating with newer features to increase relevance and stickiness for users, brands, and businesses. Here is our weekly roundup of Social Media News this week.

Social Samosa brings you all the latest news, platform updates and trends dominating the digital ecosystem.

Social Media News this week was dominated by Instagram's tests for making 'Saved' photos public, Facebook updating debugging tools for developers, and more.

Testing: Twitter Hide Replies to help moderate conversations

Twitter hide replies will let you hide certain replies on your tweet, while also giving you the option to view hidden replies. Read more here.

Spotify opens up advertising channels for Brands in India

Spotify, with over 207 million active users, launches today in India on mobile, tablet and desktop, offering brands a new platform to connect with consumers in an exciting, targeted and impactful way. Read more here.

Facebook, CFO, David Wehner announced the launch of clear history feature

David Wehner, CFO, Facebook at Morgan Stanley Technology, Media & Telecom Conference 2019 in San Francisco announced the launch of Facebook clear history feature. Read more here.

Facebook for developers updated with debugging tools and more

Facebook for developers has launched new tools for debugging, API documentation resolver to connect you to the related documentation and few tools to identify and fix new bugs. Read more here.

Instagram allegedly testing Pinterest like collection boards

Instagram is testing an option allowing users to make the collection of the posts they save from their feed. Read more here.

moderate conversations digital ecosystem Conversations advertising channels moderate debugging tools Businesses trends media news Social ecosystem updates Social media Instagram API users features relevance Advertising roundup Facebook Photos Digital resolver Social Media Platforms Media news Spotify documentation debugging API documentation resolver API documentation Brands platform updates media platforms. platform Saved Channels David Wehner platforms CFO India public tools