
From engineering to tech blog, Mohit Verma shares his story

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From engineering to tech blog, Mohit Verma shares his story

Leveraging his engineer background and passion to start a tech blog, Mohit Verma created a niche for himself in 2015. Here's his story.

Mohit Verma believes the feasibility and economics of content completely depend on the hard work put in by a person, and their creativity. Being a full-time influencer marketer has changed his life in significant ways.

Looking back, where did it all begin? 

In 2014, it all started with the journey of B-Tech. Entering in the Technical world as a mechanical engineer.

“Coding was not my cup of tea". In the beginning, the struggle was real, as I wanted to create a website of my own. But, I had no clue how to design a website. Someone has rightly said, “When you make up your mind for something you end up getting the results.” I started watching YouTube videos and learned everything bit by bit.

Later, 2015 was the year of my emergence. With the guidance of my college seniors, I curated a website on technology niche, as it was something I had a keen interest in. 

Then, I started writing more about those technovative trends related to technology and the rest is history (founder of The Techgram (technology blog), Gramist (a lifestyle travel blog) and an Influencer marketer in a renowned company).

Talking about my Instagram profile, I started putting up the content of my interest like conceptual pictures, photography and travelling. This somewhat interested my audience and they started appreciating the content and asked me to create more. Soon I got a great response from my followers. 

What's in the name? 

This was something I personally wanted to connect to. Names are what stays with our identity, the viewers and readers adapt to that. They don't call out our names, they call our usernames. And I wanted my username to reflect what I am.

“TheTechGram”. "Tech" for my indulgence in the World of technology “Gram” a village (coming from a place that has given me a way of life) so the - TechGram. That was all I had in my mind when deciding on the username.

What is your USP in this cluttered space? How does your content give you an edge?

I have a belief that work is the only key to progress and giving your 100% will one day prompt the achievement and if you are an influencer you can easily represent the world on the internet via the eyes of someone the world relates, and what better way to do that socially.

Edge cutting content? My definition, Let's start: An effective content can grow brand awareness, bring in new readers, drive revenue, and most importantly, help guarantee brand loyalty, conversions, and growth. This was my main focus and guess what I am on the way!!!!

Please take us through your content creation process. How do you stay relevant and relatable?

As a reader, If you are reading any blog, what would be your scenario for relating with content:

  • Perfect catchy title to signify the product
  • Best tagline as per the product
  • A headstart with any quote that is relatable to that product
  • Its special features and specifications
  • Some catchy Images too will be enough to grab user attention

For Influencer, It becomes very important to stay up with the latest trends and know what content people are looking for or have an interest in. 

I don’t think anything is missed. If yes, I am open to it. Please comment below for that (Y)

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How do you make moolah with your efforts?

Money was never a chase for me. But, somewhere writing was my interest. When it comes to making money, I am working as an Influencer marketer. Sometimes brands reach me out for paid collabs, if that fits my profile and relate to the content I want to deliver I accept the collaboration.  

I believe, When your content speaks loud, the brands approach you on their own for various collaboration and campaigns wherein I deliver the content as per the guidelines. Here, I make sure to mention paid collaboration or sponsored post in the post. 

Also, I use specific hashtags for the promotion, photoshoots, regular content upgrades, posting engaging stories and a lot more. 

Making moolah totally depends on the hard work and creativity you put into the work. 

How do you maintain editorial objectivity with the influx of brand briefs?

When it comes to brand promotion, I always make sure that my originality does not get affected. As it is the only thing that my audience enjoys and engages with. I always keep in mind that my reviews are not biased and I have tried and tested the product before asking my audience to try it. Prior, accepting any brand collaboration, I make sure that the client allows my creative freedom basis for my audience. If it is not the case, I clearly refuse to collaborate. 

One instance/experience that made it all worthwhile

There are so many. Long ago, when I started writing I used to sleep at 3 - 4 AM and the next day I had to attend lectures in the morning. Therefore I had to wake up early by 6 AM and my parents used to taunt me that there is no future in blogging and you are wasting your time and today its the time when they happily discuss my profession with others, telling them about my work, my content and how my work takes me to places. The words had changed on their own!

Also, I think the love that I have received from my followers through messages and comments makes it all worthwhile! 

Weirdest brand brief/request ever

Sometimes brands ask me not to write their product's negative points in my review. I understand they are paying me a good amount of money but that doesn't mean I will write everything positive. There are pros and cons to every device. And I have built up my audience just because I am loyal to them. Recently I received an audio product which was not that good. And the client asked me to put a 5-star rating on Amazon and write a positive review for them. Like seriously? I used that product for 3 days and at last, I returned it to the brand saying I can't write anything positive about this so it's better to pick this up.

If not blogging, you would be?

Blogging was not my source of income from the start. Right now I am working in an Influencer Marketing Agency. Yes, I know you are thinking that after mechanical engineering why I am into Influencer Marketing Agency. Actually, I had no clue about all this initially but with time my interest got changed and here I am — An Influencer Marketer. Now I kick out time for blogging in my spare time, say it after office or in the morning and get my shoots done at the weekend.

"When Your dreams are big, Less sleep doesn't make any difference" 

A day in your life...

Being a full-time Influencer Marketer, my day is all about meeting my work goals, interacting with different people, executing the given task, planning strategies as per the requirements, reaching out to the influencers, and getting the campaigns executed by them on time. Apart from this, I write for my blogs when I am at home after work and sometimes I go out for shoots for my Instagram content.  

Message/tips for upcoming bloggers

Share your knowledge to the World so that people stay updated with what is happening in the world. Also, I would like to advise the upcoming influencers not to think about money making initially rather keep their content and profile unique to attract more audience.  If you are starting something new you need to have some patience to get succeeded so never give up.

Be Patient, Work Hard. Things may take time. You may grow slowly, but in the end – “Slow and Steady Wins the Race”.

Your Favorite Influencer

Shlok- Techburner, Ash- C4eTech (For Tech related content)

Kunal Malhotra- The Photography Blogger ( For Photography related content)

Vipul Juneja, Varun Verma (For Fashion/Lifestyle related content) 

The Future you foresee for your Personal Brand

Techgram was started as a website to provide tech enthusiasts with the new technologies to keep them up to date. I will continue to do the same but will also give my audience the taste to new fashion, keeping them aware of new trends in lifestyle what all food to try, where to go on a dull weekend. Apart from this, I will also venture into robotics.

gram engineer Blogger influencer the techgram tech blog mohit verma technology mohit verma Instagram influencer gramist