
Twitter Updates: Banner Images and Schedule Tweets

Paawan Sunam
New Update
Twitter updates

Twitter introduces two new updates, Banner Images for Lists and an option to save a draft and finish the Tweet later with an option to schedule it.

The recent Twitter updates also include new Conversation Settings that limit people who can reply to a Tweet.

Banner Images

Users can now add a banner image while creating or editing a List, on iOS and Web. The feature will also be coming to Android soon. The adequate specs for a banner image are 1500x1500, 60 pixels on top and bottom could be cropped.

For the unacquainted, Twitter Lists are a curated group of accounts, when a user views a List, they can stream Tweets from the accounts in that List. Users can create or follow a List, created by others.

Adding a banner image can give a visual representation to your List, a way people can understand it's context or recognize it. Lists have been tweaked or been given new features several times in the past few months.

Also Read: Twitter introduces labels for manipulated media

Twitter improved it's shareability, with an option to share them via card. The platform also began suggesting accounts on the basis of the ones already in the List and was also testing letting users swipe through customized Lists from the Home Feed.

Lists are an easy way to consume content on a specific topic or subject at a given time. Although, it hasn't picked up the way Twitter would've expected, despite their several efforts towards improving the feature. Banner Images are the latest effort.

Schedule Tweets

Twitter has launched an option that lets users save drafts of Tweets they aren't ready to send yet or might want to improve and edit them later before sending it.

The feature is currently only available on Twitter Web and Mobile Web. Drafts save here will not be accessible via the apps. Users can schedule the Tweet, if they wish to send it later or send it right away after finishing it, from the Tweet Composer.

Click 'Save' after you hit 'X' when you want to send the tweet later. Tap 'Unsent Tweets', choose the draft, finish it and hit 'Tweet', or tap the schedule icon and confirm the date and time when you want to send the Tweet, and hit 'Schedule'. The feature will be specifically more useful for brands, entities, and social media managers.

social media managers controls updates display Twitter lists twitter update iOs swipeable feed home feed scheduling tweets Web app Twitter Web app web Scheduled Tweets Lists features page twitter new feature Twitter Social Media news Marketers Customization Mobile Page posts Twitter tests Lists Twitter tests twitter mobile update twitter mobile UI Twitter Mobile display controls desktop experience user experience posts platform updates platform Twitter News twitter new update