
Marketing Shorts: Sukesh Nayak on building Swiggy's brand image in North India

Sneha Medda
Updated On
New Update

Swiggy aims at reaching the audience of North India with its newest TVC starring Ammy Virk. Sukesh Nayak shares insights on the making of the campaign.

Recently, Swiggy released two new TVCs starring actor and singer Ammy Virk to connect with the audience across Punjab and Delhi. With this new release, the brand attempts at creating a conversation around the vast range of local delicacies and restaurants available on the app in the Northern part of the country. 

Through these ads, Swiggy isn’t just tapping into the audience’s love for food but is also creating buzz around the collaboration with the actors starring in them. The 360-degree campaign which is curated by Ogilvy India for the brand takes a humorous turn on how celebs don’t quite often get the liberty to go out and explore their favourite food joints and how Swiggy comes in as a saviour for them. 


While in conversation with Social Samosa, Sukesh Nayak, Chief Creative Officer, Ogilvy India says that the main idea behind this campaign was to focus on the quick delivery aspect of the brand and to give it an approachable touch; they came up with the idea of presenting the story through the perspective of a person who isn’t always at the liberty of going and eating.

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Nayak further added that the main idea was to showcase that no matter how tough the situation, Swiggy could come to the rescue and help them taste the best food from across the city with just a few clicks. 

Sukesh also mentioned Ammy Virk was the perfect choice for the brand as he has quite a big fan following in the North. He also added, “Ammy was the perfect choice for the superstar, he was very excited with the idea and he was game to play the role of himself, jealous of his bodyguards, who unlike him had all the freedom to go and eat wherever.”

These TVCs have dropped in between the festive season, a time when the nation religiously indulges in eating food without any guilt. Festive is a time when consumer behaviour changes drastically and with the market truly opening to audiences after almost 2.5 years, this season looks quite promising for brands and agencies alike. 

Speaking of any changing consumer behaviour that he might have witnessed, Sukesh added, “People are out and about and celebrating each and every festival in a big way. And the festival season has opened up a lot and has gone beyond the usual dates one would need to mark for festive work.” 

Sukesh gives insights on why the brand is focusing on the North region now and how it is important for the brand. He mentions that food delivery and takeout are a rather huge culture in North India and Swiggy wants to own this mind space as the perfect ordering app for anything you desire to eat across any restaurant in the city. 

The campaign, which is currently being distributed in two advertisements, is scheduled to roll out in Delhi, Punjab, Haryana and Jammu across multiple touch points like TV, Print, OOH and digital. 

sukesh nayak Ogilvy campaign swiiggy Swiggy ad Saddi city chakh lo marketing shorts