
Social Media News Round-Up: Twitter Communities, & more

Social Samosa
New Update

Social media platforms are constantly evolving and updating with newer features to increase relevance and stickiness for users, brands, and businesses. Here is our roundup of social media news for this week.

Social Samosa brings you all the latest social media platform updates, and trends dominating the digital ecosystem. Social media news this week was dominated by LinkedIn enabling experts to hold live sessions on Learning, Twitter launching Communities and more.

Members can now host live events on LinkedIn Learning

Office Hours is the new feature designed to complement LinkedIn Learning and, by enabling experts to hold live sessions and equipping learners to stay versed with industry trends and interact with experts and fellow learners in real-time. Read more here.

Facebook expands music library for gaming creators

Facebook Gaming has collaborated with music labels like Universal Music Group, and Sony Music Group, to expand their music catalog that can be used by creators for streaming and more video products, without copyright strike downs. Read more here.

Twitter tests an immersive timeline with edge-to-edge Tweets

In this immersive Twitter timeline, photos, videos, Tweets, and ads will span edge-to-edge with no margin, amplifying the focus on each Tweet. Read more here.

WhatsApp users can now transfer chat history while changing phones

WhatsApp has worked with the operating system and device manufacturers to roll out the new data transfer feature and going forward users will be able to switch to different operating systems without losing their chat history. Read more here.

YouTube Updates: Audio Library Attributions & Improved Search

YouTube has announced a few improvements being rolled out to upgrade Search, along with new features which include audio library attributions designed for videos that contain music along with contextual actions that add an information panel that can initiate call-to-action. Read more here.

Snapchat launches Mini to celebrate birthdays

To enable users to remember and celebrate their friends’ birthdays and send across a personalized greeting or a specialized birthday message, Snapchat has introduced a new Mini. Read more here.

Twitter introduces Communities for discussions on shared interests

Twitter Communities are groups based on particular characteristics, interests, or inclinations and can be created and self-moderated by users. Read more here.

Twitter Facebook SnapChat LinkedIn gaming creators