This case study is published under our Agency Spotlight feature. The Agency under Spotlight for this month is Tonic Media. You can read about Tonic Media’s core team members here.
Brand Name
Sony PIX
Amazing People Campaign for The Amazing Spiderman Premiere
- Promote the TV premier of The Amazing Spiderman on 16th June 2013 through an integrated digital Campaign
- Ensure sustained viewership for the movie in this day and age of Channel Swapping
- Reach out to the Super Hero fanatics across age groups and excite them about the Return of their favourite super hero in this reboot version leading to viewership
- News, society, media never cease to shock us with scams and scandals around us.
- However, seldom do people or media talk about the positive and goodness around us.
- The truth is that there is an ‘Amazing’ superhero quality in each one of us' but often goes unacknowledged by others
The Strategy was to celebrity the innate goodness and Amazing qualities of people around us by encouraging users to acknowledge ‘Amazing’ People around them and tag them in the ‘Web of Amazing People’
The campaign was divided in 3 phases where Phase I was used to establish ‘Amazing’ deeds of Hollywood & Philanthropic Celebs
A hashtag #PIXAmazingPeople was launched on Twitter which was trending for the 1st 2 days of the Campaign on Twitter . It was also trending worldwide for a day
Phase 2
Phase II took Hollywood relationships as reference and encouraged Users to look at special relationships around them and acknowledge the superhero ‘Amazing’ qualities of these people..
The microsite www.webofamazingpeople.com was launched to showcase the web of amazing people. The microsite was a platform to establish an emotional connect with the users and encourage them to tag friends who they think are amazing. We emphasised on the words ‘amazing’ and ‘web’ which resonate with The Amazing Spiderman.
Users could sign up with their Facebook accounts on the website. The website automatically pulled the list of Facebook friends and the user could tag their ‘Amazing’ friend. Along with this, they had to answer a simple trivia question about the movie to enter a lucky draw and win Spiderman merchandize.
The friends who were tagged and would receive a Facebook notification which further redirected them to the website This was a viral campaign which was integrated with television promos on Sony PIX, social media and digital banners, directing people to join the web of amazing people.
Phase 3 was launched on the day of the premier, 16th June, 2013
On the day of the premier, the microsite evolved to the next level. An interactive live game was integrated with the telecast and with the microsite. During the telecast of the premier, Spidey codes were flashed at various intervals and users had to spot these. A total of 4 codes were to be spotted and submitted on the microsite .
1 lucky winner who followed the process of tagging and entered all the Spidey tags correctly could win a trip to The Amazing Spiderman studio in Los Angeles
Twitter Contest with #PixAmazingSpidey and Facebook posts were used to drive traffic to the telecast and the Live Integrated Game. #PixAmazingSpidey was trending on the day of the Premiere and created excitement amongst users getting superb reviews on the campaign.
- In just 7 days, over 31,000 people were tagged by Users as a part of the amazing web online.
- Over 750 people participated in the live interactive game and submitted codes online.
- The hash-tag #PixAmazingPeople which was used to direct traffic on the website was trending in India on day 1 and day 2 of the campaign all day and trending worldwide for a day
- #PixAmazingSpidey was trending during the telecast of the premiere