
4 Free Facebook Ad Tools To Laser-Sharp Your Facebook Ad Focus

Bikram K. Singh
Updated On
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facebook ad tools

Advertising on Facebook is the quickest way to build a community of targeted fans and followers, build your brand, and to promote your campaign, as well as being the quickest way to burn a big hole in your budget, if not done properly. All the fans gained could be useless if a Facebook ad is not created and targeted well. Fortunately, there are some tools that can help you laser-focus your ad target and get the desired audience, which I am going to talk about in this article.

Hashtag targeting

Hashtag-based targeting was not earlier known available on Facebook, but since it has included this feature, sticking to basic "broad categories" based targeting can now be considered as spreading your resources thin.

The change in the system now allows you to target people who are interested in certain kinds of things. For example, when I was creating an ad for StyleToniq's page, which deals in hand-painted and handcrafted lifestyle products, I wanted to target people who are mainly interested in art related things, so as I typed in a couple of interests, in reply to which Facebook suggested a good number of hashtags that I can target, as you can see in the following image. You can also refine your target by cities, or distance from you (see towards the bottom of the image below). These targeting option improves your return on investment.

Precise interest targeting on facebook

Conversion Tracking

One can only know about the return on investment on money spent on Facebook advertising, if one tracks the action taken by people after having seen the advertisement. With the help of conversion tracking, you can create a goal that you wish to track. As you can see in the image below, I was hoping to generate leads from the Facebook ad I was creating, so I created a conversation pixel and gave it a friendly name.

facebook Conversion

After I pressed create pixel, I was taken to a window from where I could copy the Conversion Pixel code and paste it between and in the webpage where I wanted to track conversions. The window may look as follows:

facebook conversation Pixel code

Facebook Power Editor

Facebook Power Editor is a powerful tool that makes creating, editing and managing numerous campaigns and ads quite easy. This is a free tool that you can use to bulk edit your ads, bids, budget, creative elements in the ads etc. See the following image to see how the dashboard in Facebook Power Editor looks like.

facebook Power Editor dashboard

Custom Audience

From within the Power Editor, you can choose to target a specific audience for the ads. This is helpful if you are just creating a Facebook page for your brand, and want all your customers and newsletter subscribers to add you there. You can also shoot an email with information about your new Facebook page, and create an ad targeting specially those who are in your subscribers list. In this, a custom audience feature comes pretty handy (see the image below). You can target your custom audience by uploading a list of the email IDs, phone numbers, or Facebook IDs that you have. The list should be in simple text format.

Facebook Custom audience


The four targeting tools that I have talked about are free to use. The learning curve is also not steep. You should go ahead and give them a try. You will be surprised to s1ee what you find there.

facebook targeting Facebook power editor facebook ad tools creating facebook page Facebook Ads