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While we're used to come across articles with titles like the one above, we hardly come across touching stories where social media helped blossom love between two people. But still, there are several people out there who have met on social media, fallen in love and got married!
Following up on our Quora Wedding story, we have another interesting love story where Twitter played the cupid! This is the story of two entrepreneurs, Bhupendra Khanal (Cofounder, Simplify360) & Sneh Sharma (Cofounder, Webenza), who fell in love on a platform they intended to use for marketing their respective companies.
Following is a brief transcript of the chat we had with Bhupendra where he shares how both of them fell in love and got married.
How did you come across each other?
We met on Twitter. We met as both of us were marketing our companies on Social Media, and had chosen Twitter as the network of preference. Several early interactions were about asking for retweets, discussing about how to market on Twitter, telling each other about our own companies etc.
But soon, we started ignoring others and talking too much with each other.
When did you REALIZE ‘It’s Love’?
We realized it quite late actually. Along with Twitter, we started chatting on Gtalk, Facebook and LinkedIn as well. One day we realized that we were spending too much time talking to each other and decided to talk less. We both missed each other badly.
We fought after that for the very fact that we had decided not to talk much. Talking had become essential for us. The relationship had started.
How long have you been together?
We are completing 5 years on Feb 20, 2014.
What did you feel when you both met the first time?
Not much. We had done some video chats on Skype before personally meeting. Most weird was the time when we spoke on phone for the first time. It was a big move jumping from text based public chats in Twitter to private voice conversation over phone. We could hardly talk anything. This remained the same during early video chats; we just used to look at each other and smile.
Personally meeting was easier actually.
How did your family react to the fact that the both of you met on Social Media?
Both the families laughed. They couldn't believe that we met on Social Media. When we told them our stories, they were stoned!
How and when did you announce about your relationship on Social Media? What was the reaction of your friends when they got to know that you met on social media?
We had to keep it hidden for long as I was connected to Sneh’s families on Facebook and knew them personally. When we changed our relationship status to “committed” on Facebook, it surprised many. Also, we announced the relationship in Twitter quite late.
We had already taken family members into confidence before doing this, so families were cool. Some friends expressed feelings like – “I knew”, “Chupa Rustam” etc.
Received a lot of wishes online. It was awesome.
What do you think about the relationship status on Facebook? Do you think it’s become a fad to announce publicly that one is dating and then seek support when one breaks up?
Yeah, and that’s bad. Relationships need to be focused in a personal space. Not publicly. I also hate people showing too much love or bashing each other in public.
The worst is when you get nasty on break-ups and start criticising your ex on social media. That’s simply awful.
Some Do’s and Don’ts for Social Media Couples from your experience.
You have met on Social Network but you are not supposed to be showing the love there. Few instances of casual chats or updates are fine, but beyond that it becomes a noise for everyone. It is important to have private chat when the frequency of talk increases.
Second suggestion is - never criticize your partner or show frustration in the Social Network. It does not show the state of your relationship, it shows who you are (how weak you are).
Isn't that a sweet love story? Here's wishing both Bhupendra and Sneh an eternity of togetherness!
If you know of a love story where social media played the cupid, please feel free to drop us a mail at contact@socialsamosa.com or tweet to us at @Social_Samosa