
Social Media Case Study: How The Forum Mall Engaged Dhoom 3 Fans via Social Media

Social Samosa
Updated On
New Update
dhoom 3

Brand Name

The Forum Mall (Koramangala)

Agency Name

Alive Now


The Forum Mall (Koramangala) is not only one of the first mall’s in Bangalore and but also one of the most famous and highly trafficked malls there.

DHOOM 3 's release in PVR Cinema's Forum Mall wanted to engage the audience as Dhoom 3 was releasing in PVR in Forum Mall. The objective was to spread the message about the release, create visibility among fans about the movie, urging them to come to the mall and watch the movie.

An FB App was needed as was a Mobile site (for mobile users). We, therefore, launched a Facebook application on the Forum Mall’s page and a Mobile Site for mobile phone users. Since the usage of Facebook via mobile is increasing, we made sure people could take part in the same contest via their mobile/smart phones as well and win Dhoom 3 Tickets!

The contest was a huge success. 25 couples won Dhoom 3 movie tickets.The buzz was great and the response was tremendous!


Dhoom 3 Facebook App on Forum Mall's Page 

  • 'Like' to take part
  • Answer question related to Dhoom 3.
  • Register to validate your entry
  • Finish and reach the Thank You page . From here you can share posts on your wall , play again etc.

Dhoom 3 Contest Mobile site

  • Similar look and feel retained on the mobile site.
  • Users followed the same process to complete the game.
  • Register yourself.
  • Regular updates on the page.
  • On ground promotion.


The contest was live for 2 weeks. The response was superb and the numbers were great by all parameters. The mobile site helped increase entries. We share a few key numbers below.

Parameter & Number -

  • No. of New LIKES - 2,000+ likes
  • No. of entries to the contest -Total of 2,771 entries (Name, email, mobile)
  • No. of winners - 25 winners got Dhoom3 couple tickets
  • No. of entries from the mobile site -1,055 entries from mobile site.

So almost 38% of entries from mobile site!

Forum Mall PVR Cinemas Contests mobile site dhoom 3 FB App Case study Social media Facebook Application Alive Now Buzz