
Albatrot Digital bags the mandate for Symphony Orchestra of India

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Albatrot Digital

Post a two-month long campaign, Symphony Orchestra of India (SOI) awarded a retainer mandate to Albatrot

The Symphony Orchestra of India (SOI), a professional orchestra, came back for its autumn season this September. Internationally renowned artists and conductors joined the orchestra to perform some of the most beloved western classical works from the 4th to the 16th of September, 2018, to packed auditoriums.

At the onset of their upcoming season this year, Albatrot bagged the mandate for driving a digital campaign for the SOI Autumn 2018 Season.

The mandate included conceptualising a multi platform digital marketing campaign for the Symphony Orchestra of India, executing the strategy over the course of two months to drive awareness, build a strong online community and push ticket sales.

With the first task at hand being defining and expanding the target audience, the main challenge that needed tackling was the exclusive perception of western classical music. The strategy was focused on heavy usage of the social media mix and influencer engagement to target a younger age group that often gets overlooked when speaking of formal events like orchestra performances. The goal was to spread awareness about this musical journey being for anyone and everyone with a keen sense of music.

Talking about the ways the campaign helped achieve new milestones, Sanjeev Madhav (General Manager, NCPA) said, “The team working with us from Albatrot’s end helped achieve a few rather significant tasks for SOI. For one, through the content they created and pushed, they helped the audience understand the relevance of western classical music today. They also expanded our current audience by reaching out to a younger crowd through their consistent effort to maintain a strong digital presence. This gave our social media an intriguing, engaging look and feel that was consistent with what the SOI stood for. The last bit truly helped bring all communication on the same lines as the brand.”

Also Read: Agency Feature – Albatrot Digital

Speaking about the achievements of the campaign, Ritambhara Sharma, Business Head, Albatrot Digital said “Our primary objective here was to create content that takes western classical music into people’s conversation and has high digital amplification potential. We set out to break barriers with communication buckets that resonate with a wide range of demographic and psychographic profiles. This helped us penetrate a larger market base and create a brand new community of people who appreciate “Good Music”, not just “Western Classical Music”, thus driving awareness and sales.

The mandate from the Symphony Orchestra of India added to their roster of clients such as Marico Innovation Foundation, Smoke House Deli, Dainik Bhaskar, Sanofi and International Copper Alliance to name a few.

Music business head Content Creation Content western classical music western Symphony Orchestra of India Symphony Orchestra Sanofi Sanjeev Madhav Ritambhara Sharma NCPA mclassical Marico Innovation Foundation International Copper Alliance informative content informative conductors Audio strategy Dainik Bhaskar Albatrot Smoke House Deli Digital Video digital strategy general manager Design Artists India Albatrot Digital