
#SS40Under40: Create ads that will make you want to buy the product: Kashmira Talati, Publicis

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Kashmira Talati, Vice President, Publicis,

Kashmira Talati, Vice President, Publicis, Winner of #40under40, expresses how simplicity is the key in the world of advertising

Kashmira Talati with over 13 years of experience in the brand building, advertising and marketing world shares her thoughts on what makes a good ad. She has worked with various brands such as Lakmé, Vaseline, Magnum, The Economic Times, Brand Factory, Zee Networks premium channels and more.

Talati shares with Social Samosa her journey and perspective on the changing marketing world; from the true mark of success for an ad to receiving a design brief for a birthday card for CEO of client's brand!

One thing you really love about your choice of career

Exposure to different industries, learning never ends

How would you explain your job to a 5-year-old?

Make ads that will make you want to buy the products

The Weirdest Brief/Pitch you have ever received

Design brief for a CEOs birthday card, from their marketing team!

5 Jargons that have become a part of your life

Social currency, pop-culture, optimization, digital first

Also read: #SS40Under40: Keep the consumer at the center of every idea: Vikas Chawla

Media, Marketing & Advertising Quote/Tips for our Audience

"If it doesn't sell, it isn't creative." - David Ogilvy

#AllItTakes Advice bytes for career aspirants who wish to make it Big in your field?

Always keep it simple. The consumer has no time to read between the lines. The true marker of success is if a 5-year-old and your grandma can understand your ad.

Filmfare marketing Pop Culture Femina Brand Factory brand building Advertising Zee Networks premium channels world of advertising Winner of #40under40 social currency simplicity is the key Marketing & Advertising optimization magnum Lakme the economic times Kashmira Talati HSBC Digital digital first #40under40 social samosa Media Agency Feature #AllItTakes Vaseline publicis David Ogilvy Vice President