
Testing: Trimming tool for Instagram Stories

Paawan Sunam
New Update
Instagram trimming tool

Instagram is testing a trimming tool for Stories, simplifying the process of editing Stories to the required size.

A new button has been added besides other editing options, in the Stories window. The trimming tool had long been yearned for. Previously, users had to use third-party apps to use the basic video editing functionality and then upload it on Instagram.

You can adjust the endpoints of the clip you want to upload as Stories from within the Stories camera and upload the edited clip of the desired duration. Brands and creators who actively use Stories would benefit from the trimming tool and improve efficiency on Instagram.

Most users seem to appreciate the feature currently in the beta phase, few mention they hated trimming clips manually through third-party apps. Although a user also points out Instagram is looking more and more like TikTok with each update.

Also Read: Instagram now suggests accounts you can unfollow

In September 2019, the platform was also found to be testing on a feature called Clips, that lets you record a short-video by selecting the length of the video & it’s speed, lets you overlay music and shows a countdown before it starts recording.

Instagram has always been a hub of still photography, but Stories on the platform have also grown to be fairly popular. Recently, Instagram has been adding functionalities that streamline the process of editing and uploading Stories. ‘Stop Motion Mode‘ allowing up to 10 frames to be posted as an individual story, was also being tested.

Along with ‘Group Stories‘, a feature that lets you collaborate on a private story with friends, and ‘Poses’, which clicks four pictures, one per three seconds, stitches them together and shows it in a stop-motion effect.

Communication Music Language platform update Social tests TikTok Social media Instagram Stories Instagram update instagram tests trimming tool Social Media news internet Photography Media Camera instagram news Stories Camera