Instagram is testing Creator Accounts with added tools

Sneha Yadav
New Update

Instagram has been testing Creator Accounts in the wake of Facebook Creators, for high-profile Influencers that will give them added tools to smoothen the content creation process and provide detailed insight.

The "creator account" is similar to the business-account profiles that Instagram introduced in the year 2016, is meant for the creators, digital influencers and artists who proliferate on the platform.

Added tools for Creator Accounts include quality filter for direct messages, i.e. limiting users contacting them. The number of users contacting an Influencer can sometimes get overwhelming, given the enormous following.

They would also have access to growth insights and data concerning the followers, such as follows and unfollows.  As without any followers, an influencer wouldn't remain an 'influencer', keeping a track of one's followers is a concern, and the added feature would reduce difficulties.

Also Read: Instagram releases a voice messaging feature in DM

Creators/Influencers collaborating with brands may also direct users with business inquiries to the right channels by using distinct labels.

Instagram recently banned inauthentic activities in the aftermath of the rise of fake influencers and accounts buying engagement. With the upswing of content creation on social media, platforms are striving to back their foundation while keeping falsity at the bay.

Instagram also recently let creators share a preview of their IGTV Videos on their stories.

Instagram ramping up features is a good news for creators on the platform. The tests are being executed on a small scale right now, but it's expected to broaden more by next year.

Instagram Facebook features influencers Content Content Creation Brands videos Stories IGTV Creator Creators Accounts direct direct messages tools activities Channels IGTV videos Messages creation Process inauthentic activities inauthentic filter content creation process Creator Accounts Facebook Creators high-profile high-profile influencers