
Social Media News Round Up: Facebook's success, Instagram testing updates, Twitter testing news updates and more

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Social Media News

Social Media Platforms are constantly evolving and updating with newer features to increase relevance and stickiness for users, brands, and businesses. Here is our weekly roundup of Social Media News this week.

Social Samosa brings you all the latest news, platform updates and trends dominating the digital ecosystem.

Social Media News this week was dominated by Twitter banning third-party apps for violating their API rules, Facebook soaring high with increased user-base, YouTube improving recommendations, Snapchat mulling over making public Stories last for ever and a lot more.

Twitter bans third-party apps violating their API rules

Twitter banned these three apps – ManageFlitter, Statusbrew, Crowdfire for repeatedly violating their API rules. Read more here.

Facebook scandals didn’t harm it’s growth, 2.7 billion engage with the family of apps

Facebook released it’s Q4 2018 earnings report and it’s raining money for them. 2.7 billion people engage with the family of apps and 2 billion people at least use Facebook or one of the networks everyday. Read more here.

Twitter is testing a feature to show news on priority in the feed

Twitter may be considered an informative social network as numerous come on the platform to see what’s happening in the world right now. It’s going a step further with the new update being tested. Read more here.

YouTube is improving recommendations by tackling clickbaits and borderline content

YouTube is improving recommendations to tackle clickbait and borderline content with improved analytics of users’ viewing habits and reducing the spread of videos violating their community guidelines. Read more here.

Snapchat mulls over making public Stories last for ever

Snapchat, the pioneer of ephemeral stories lasting 24 hours may change it’s feature and let them last longer or permanently until you delete it. Read more here.

#Testing Instagram’s share Stories via link, share Saved Posts, and more

Instagram Updates 2019 – Instagram’s new features would let you share ‘Saved Posts’ with friends via DM, share your Instagram Story via a link and reply or like a comment within the notification tab. Read more here.

Facebook Inc to integrate Messenger, Whatsapp and Instagram!

Mark Zuckerberg, Facebook Chief Executive Officer, plans to unify the three most popular messaging apps Messenger, Whatsapp and Instagram on technical ground. The union will let the organisation evolve as the Superpower in the Social Media World and exert control over apps, they had planned to keep standalone. Read more here.

Social media Media Social Media news Twitter Instagram Facebook whatsapp Youtube Snapchat Content Social Social Media Platforms Brands news Messenger India facebook inc Stories posts users testing API report relevance Apps family platforms Businesses public link recommendations Facebook scandals Saved Saved Posts borderline Q4 2018 earnings report scandals #FeedYourFire clickbaits Facebook Chief Executive Officer Priority public Stories Q4 2018 earnings