
Social Throwback: Twitter updates 2019 consolidated...

Aishwarrya Chakraverty
New Update
Twitter updates 2019

Social Samosa brings to you all that happened and made it to the top headlines with Twitter updates 2019 as a throwback to the last year.

2019 was a year of transformation for Twitter when the platform underwent some major changes concerning the app UI & its features. With the growing demand for the dynamic content and short-format ads, the platform saw some new updates towards these concepts. While ‘controversial tweet policy’ got revamped, political advertising on twitter got banned globally from the channel - all these formed a major chunk of Twitter updates 2019.

With the above Twitter updates 2019 and more, the journey has been nothing short of exciting. Here's a quick Social Throwback of the micro-blogging platform.

January 2019

  • The year started with the developers testing Twitter speech bubbles, status updates, and more. The initiatives were aimed at making the platform more 'conversational'.

February 2019

March 2019

  • Twitter tested 'Hide Replies' to help moderate conversations.
  • Twitter launched an insights tool for publishers- Timing is Everything.
  • March'19 also saw Twitter rolling out a new prototype app called Twttr that was to be used to test new features to a select number of users.

April 2019

  • In April'19, Twitter allowed the users to appeal an account suspension or locked account from within the app.
  • Twitter tested labels on conversation threads to make it easier to follow or join conversations on the platform.
  • Twitter served public conversation with Twitter Dialogues in the election season of 2019.

May 2019

  • In another new update and with a piece of good news for the Tweeples, Twitter allowed the users to retweet with GIFs, photos or videos on the platform from this month.
  • Twitter tested carousel ads for App Install campaigns.
  • The platform recorded 396 million Tweets for #LokSabhaElections2019
  • Twitter updated Tweetdeck with much-needed features

June 2019

July 2019

August 2019

September 2019

October 2019

  • Twitter DM Filters launched for users to keep offensive messages at-bay.

November 2019

  • Twitter called for feedback from the public on deepfake videos and other manipulated media. The platform unveiled its plans on deepfake video policies.
  • Twitter updated Political Ad Policy followed by a global ban.
  • The platform rolled out 'Hide Replies' feature globally
  • In a bid to facilitate personalization of content being consumed on mobile, the micro-blogging platform rolled out Twitter Topics.

December 2019

While the recap for Twitter 2019 ends here, we shall await and surely bring to you more interesting updates and news in 2020 without fail.

For a quick #SocialThrowback of the industry click here.

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